Chapter 12

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Tuesday morning dawned cold and miserable. It had been decided that they would fly into New York City, stay for the funeral and fly back out the same day. Only Daniel, Jenna, Talia and Ragnar would go.

Caleb and Charlotte would stay back and take care of Matthew and Noelle. Jenna was uneasy with that decision, even though she had agreed to it. Talia sat next to her on the plane, and Jenna was gripping her hand so tightly, she was afraid Jenna was going to break it. She was a very strong werewolf, and Talia had a feeling Jenna had no idea of her own strength as the Alpha King's mate and equal.

Daniel sat down next to her and took her other hand, and Talia felt the pressure on her own relax. Ragnar sat across from them, watching it all, a smirk on his handsome face.

"Are you going to be okay?" Daniel asked Jenna, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb in an effort to get her to relax.

"Yes," she responded too quickly, then sighed. "No. I'm going to worry the entire time. It's too soon. It feels like déjà vu."

Talia was actually surprised that Jenna had agreed to leave Noelle behind. Jenna was much stronger than she'd given her credit for, but then again, she was meant to be the Luna Queen.

"Except that you're with me this time, and you're a werewolf now, and well aware that you're my mate. You can call them at any time," Daniel reminded her. "And you wanted to."

"I know. I don't want to be that mom," Jenna sighed.

"Jenna, you have every right to be that mom," Ragnar spoke up. Even his voice was calming to Talia's ears, soothing to her soul.

"Ugh, I should have just brought her with me. I just didn't want her out in this weather. Charlotte has been sending pictures of her every fifteen minutes," Jenna smiled. "Your mother is amazing."

"I know." Daniel agreed.

"She has a kind heart," Talia murmured, and felt Jenna squeeze her hand more gently. Charlotte was part of the reason Talia was still keeping it together, and she'd never be able to thank the former Luna enough for how much she had helped with Matthew. Charlotte really seemed to love her son.

They were all dressed for the funeral, and they had also brought clothes to change into afterwards. Charlotte had lent Talia a black dress to wear, and she wore black leggings and boots. It was a cold miserable day, exactly the way she herself felt. Cold and miserable.

Her gaze darted up to Ragnar's again, wishing he would warm her. He was always gazing at her so intently, though oddly enough, it didn't bother her in the least.

The plane landed and they climbed into the SUV Daniel had waiting for them, then headed out to Talia's parent's home, which was located in pack lands outside of the city. Not everyone in Big Apple pack wanted to live in New York City, and their alpha had a small area of land just for those that preferred a more country setting. The pack wasn't ran like a traditional pack at all, but it worked for them.

The moment she walked inside the house she had grown up in, Talia was enveloped in a hug by her mother. "Oh my baby, I'm so glad you're okay." She'd talked to her mother only once since everything had happened, and that had been a very short conversation, Talia just letting her know that she and Matthew were safe and staying with Regal Eclipse for the time being.

Talia felt the tears she'd been holding back start to escape. "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you."

"I have your phone here, so now you can keep in touch. I also want to see pictures of my grandpup. I wish you were staying longer." Sheila hugged Talia one more time.

"I just can't, Momma," Talia whispered, wiping the tears away.

"I know. I don't fully understand, but I know you need time away," Sheila finally let her go, and she was immediately enveloped in another hug by her father.

"We put most of your stuff in storage for now. Your mother picked out things she thought you might want. Clothes, toiletries, Matthew's things," her father said. "It's all loaded into the back of the truck, ready to go."

"Thanks, Daddy." Talia was glad she didn't have to worry about that stuff. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to that apartment. She pulled away from her father so she could make introductions. "Mom, Dad, you know Jenna."

Her parents both nodded. They'd met Jenna many times before since she and Talia were roommates for over two years. Her mother hugged Jenna, then frowned. "You're a werewolf now?"

"Don't ask, Mom," Talia warned her. "The Alpha King, Daniel, and the Royal Beta, Ragnar."

Her parents both bowed their heads, but Daniel and Ragnar both stepped forward and shook hands with them. Talia caught the look her mother gave her and sent her a mind link. I'll explain everything later. It's a long complicated story. She caught her mother's slight nod in her direction.

"Welcome to our humble abode," Sheila smiled and led them into the living room.

Once everyone was settled, Talia walked up to her old bedroom. She needed a few moments alone before they headed to the funeral. She looked around the space. The girl who had occupied this room was long gone. She'd been so full of happiness and hope for her future. She'd been excited to meet her mate and have his pups. What a disaster that has turned into. She gasped and covered her face with her hands, sobbing. How was she supposed to get through this day? How was she supposed to face his family, knowing she was responsible for his death? Even Lila was quiet today.

A hand on her shoulder caused her to look up as a sense of peace ran through her and she turned to find Ragnar standing there, his face filled with concern. He pulled her against him and held her for a few long moments, relieving some of the heartache. "We have to go," he finally said, pulling back and brushing the tears away with her thumbs.

Talia nodded and squared her shoulders, then walked out of the room, Ragnar close behind.  "I'll be behind you every step of the way," he whispered, touching her arm, comforting her.

Outside, they climbed into the SUV, Ragnar on one side of her while Jenna sat on the other, leaving the front passenger seat empty. They seemed to know she needed the comfort. Ragnar's leg against hers helped keep her calm while Jenna held her hand. Daniel drove, his gaze occasionally meeting Ragnar's in the back seat. He was well aware of what Ragnar was doing, and knew he was probably the only thing keeping Talia from completely falling apart.

Daniel followed Talia's parents to the edge of the pack lands, where James would be buried. The cemetery was quiet, even with most of the pack there. James had been well respected throughout Big Apple and Talia wasn't surprised that they had all come out even in the cold drizzle. She sat in the back of the SUV for several long moments after everyone else had gotten out, looking at the grave site her mate was about to be buried in. The door opened and Ragnar stood there with an umbrella for her. She took a deep breath and slipped out. He handed her the umbrella, his fingers lightly brushing hers, and stepped back.

She walked slowly down to the grave, barely able to see through the rain and her own tears, though she could feel everyone's eyes on her.

"You got him killed!" Talia looked up to see James's mother standing in front of her. Venom dripped from her words as she stared daggers at Talia. "You should have died! Not him! Not my sweet James! It's your fault!"

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