Chapter 65

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This chapter Is for everyone who has stuck with me through all three books. Enjoy!

Jenna opened her eyes and stretched as best as she could in Daniel's embrace. She lay there contemplating the day. Part of her wanted to go hide until it was over. All eyes of the werewolf world would be focused on her, and she wasn't thrilled about that. But she was about to officially become queen, and that was one of those things she had to deal with.

Every pack in the world has been invited, but they had decided to limit it to ten members from each pack. The ceremony would be Live Streamed and those who could not attend would still be able to watch. She knew there were packs that would be hosting Watch Parties. Who knew she'd ever be the center of attention like this?

Definitely not her when she'd met Daniel a little over a year and a half ago. She still remembered seeing him across the club, when they'd caught each other's gaze and her world had tilted. She hadn't known then that the man she'd caught the attention of was a king, was her mate, and she would leave him that night, pregnant with his heir and wouldn't see him again for another year.

But she wouldn't trade her life now for anything. She loved her little family. But she'd also prefer to stay here safe in her mate's arms without the eyes of the entire werewolf community on her. But as Daniel has said to her already, it was just for one day.

Her family was all here, everyone except her mother. Jenna wondered what her momma would think of all of this. If she'd been here, she would no doubt be involved in the planning. Her mother had passed last February of cancer, one of the hardest days of Jenna's life. She was just happy that her mother had gotten to meet Noelle before she'd passed.

Preparations for this event had started not long after she and Daniel had been reunited, though they'd really gotten into full swing after everything that had happened in Colorado. Ragnar had suggested using resources from packs all over the world, and they'd done a fantastic job.

New housing for the guests has been built by the Buckeye and Indiana packs. They had also renovated the banquet hall, which was where the ceremony was to be held. Jenna had been amazed at how quickly they had worked.

Food had been provided by packs from all over the world, and Brianna had spent the last few days organizing it as it had all arrived. The Kentucky pack and a pack from Italy had supplied both bourbon and wine for the event.

Her beautiful gown, and those that would be worn by Talia, Cora, Charlotte and Charity had been created by two designers, one from Big Apple Pack and the other from a pack in France. The two she-wolves had worked tirelessly on the gowns for several weeks.

There were so many other details that had gone into the event. All for one day, she mused, but then it wasn't every day a new Queen was crowned. Who knew when Noelle would take over, or if she would even want the crown.

'I believe she will,' Vanessa, Jenna's wolf said. She was more ready for this than Jenna was. 'Like Mate said, it's only one day.'

'I'm nervous,' Jenna told her.

'It's a good morning for a bath with mate,' Vanessa suggested.

'He's still sleeping,' Jenna said.

'No he's not,' Vanessa laughed.

Jenna reached out through the bond to him and could feel a bit of apprehension, and some stress. He'd been stressed for the last few months. She'd felt it and had tried her best to help him relieve it and relax whenever she could. She hoped that once this was over, and everyone had left, he'd fully relax. "How about a bath this morning?"

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