Chapter 63

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Lila woke a few hours later and stretched out her legs. 'Talia?'


'Are you ready to shift back?'

'Yes, but I'm still very tired. What happened?'

'I'm not sure. I remember us attacking some people on the boat, but then everything went blank. I'm giving you control back.'

Lila handed control back to Talia, who shifted quickly back. She looked over and saw Ragnar laying on the bed next to her on his back. She glanced around the room. 'Where are we?'

'In the clinic,' Lila told her.

She lay back down and looked at Ragnar, remembering that he'd been shot in the chest. Talia settled back in the bed and cuddled up against him, before dozing off again.


Ragnar opened his eyes and was surprised to find Talia in bed with him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. She opened her own eyes sleepily and smiled at him. "Talia!"

"Hi," she said softly.

He kissed her forehead. "Hi. I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay," she responded, smiling at him. "What happened?"

He spent the next hour explaining everything that had happened over the last few days.

"And I slept through all of it," Talia muttered. "Though honestly, I'm just glad it's over and that we're both okay." She was resting her head on his chest as he lightly rubbed her back.

"Me too. A lot of people were hurt because of them," Ragnar said quietly.

"So now what?" Talia asked him.

"We're going to take it easy for the rest of today and just rest," Ragnar said with a smile.

"I can agree with that," Talia yawned. "Though as much as I've slept the last few days, you'd think I'd be wide awake."

"You want to stay here or go home?" Ragnar asked her.

"Go home. I want to see Matthew," Talia told him.

"He's with Astrid. She's taken great care of him all of this time," Ragnar smiled.

"Astrid is a gift." Talia traced circles around Ragnar's chest.

"That she is. You need some clothes." He'd been acutely aware that she was completely naked this entire time. "Let me give you my shirt for now. I have a feeling Ben isn't going to let you go until he makes sure you're okay."

"Alright." She rolled off of him so he could pull off his shirt, then took it from him and pulled it on. She breathed in his scent happily, before turning back to him. "Let me see your chest."

He settled back down and let her look him over before she'd let him link Ben that she was up.

Ben walked in a moment later. "Man am I glad to see you awake!" He took her vitals and declared her in good health and discharged her into Ragnar's care.

They got on the elevator and headed up to their apartment, Ragnar linking Astrid to let them know they were coming.

"Astrid just put Matthew down," Ragnar told Talia.

"Okay. I desperately want to take a shower," she told him.

Astrid greeted them both at the door, giving them both a hug. "I'm so glad you're awake, Talia."

"Thank you so much for taking care of Matthew all of this time," Talia told her gratefully.

"He's such a good pup, but he misses you," Astrid said. She grabbed her bag and left the apartment.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin