Chapter 57

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Dr. Clark of the Everglades Pack and Dr. Benson of the Dakota Pack both arrived within an hour of each other. Both men were given guest rooms to use for their stay and served an early breakfast. Then they were both brought to a meeting room.

Ben had chosen them due to their expertise in neurology, and as the two men sat waiting, they began conversing with each other and realized they both specialized in the same field.

"Why do I feel like we're here to perform brain surgery?" Dr. Clark asked Dr. Benson.

"Were you given much of a choice?" Dr. Benson tapped his fingers on the table.

"The King said I was needed, and flew me in." Clark said.

Benson nodded in agreement. "Same thing here."

They both looked up as four men entered the room and both men eyed the large brown folder one of them was holding.

"Gentleman, welcome to Regal Eclipse. I'm Daniel Remington."

Both men quickly stood and bowed their heads. "Alpha."

Daniel, Caleb, Ben and Tyler all sat down around the table, before Daniel spoke again. "This is Caleb, Doctor Ben Gray and RN Tyler Browning. Gentleman, I've called you here because of your expertise in your fields. Two members of my pack both need surgery, and we're asking for your help. Ben?"

Ben stood and walked over to a lighted board and pulled out Elijah's scans and hung them up. "Patient #1 is the easiest of the two. GSW straight through the forehead at a distance."

The two doctors walked over to look at the scans quietly.

"He's still alive?" Dr. Clark asked.

"Yes, Doctor."

Clark raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "And the other?"

Ben pulled out Lila's scans and began to hang them. "Patient #2 took 4 gsws, three into various parts of her body and the fourth she took to the side of her skull at point blank range."

The two doctors approached the scans and stared at them in shock.

"Is this a joke?" Benson scoffed. "There's no possible way this wolf is still alive." He turned back to Daniel, who was glaring at him. He gulped and dropped his gaze.

"I can assure you, Doctor that she is very much alive," Ben told him.

"She's in wolf form?" Clark asked.

"Yes, Doctor."

"This is impossible," Benson said, as he turned back to the scans.

"Even if we can get the bullet out, and she lives through it, that bullet has done so much damage, she will never fully recover," Clark said. "I hate to say it, but she's better off not pulling through."

Ben glanced at Daniel and saw him clench his jaw. Caleb stood up and walked around the table. "Gentleman, I'm Caleb Remington."

Both men bowed their heads to the other Remington, guessing he was the King's brother, as both Caleb and Daniel looked quite similar in both age and appearance.

"As you both know, Regal Eclipse is the pack appointed with keeping the werewolf community safe, hidden, and keeping relations between packs stable. You probably also know that there's not a lot of information about our pack out there and that is intentional. The things you're going to learn today are things that are not well known through the werewolf community," Caleb said as Daniel stood up and walked around the table to join them.

"What my father is telling you," he watched their eyes widen when he said father. Caleb Remington still looked like he was in his early twenties. " that the members of Regal Eclipse are immortal."

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now