Chapter 46

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Ragnar smiled at the last text he'd received from Talia, telling him that she was probably just going to empty all of his clothes out of his closet to make room for her own. A lot of my winter clothes are still in storage.

That was something else they were going to have to plan. A trip to New York to get the rest of her stuff, and inform her parents that she now had a second chance mate and that she had become the Royal Beta Female.

We are getting ready to land so I may be slow to respond. He texted her.

That's quite all right. What's your favorite place you've ever been to?

Well that was random. He'd need to think about that.

'With mate,' Rollo said.

'I agree, but somehow I doubt that's what she means,' Ragnar responded. There are too many to decide, but I'd love to go explore them with you one day. Right now my favorite place is with you.

He stood up and grabbed his bag before following the others off the plane. Not surprisingly, Alpha Trent had a whole entourage out to meet them and they all piled into the vehicles and headed back to his pack house.

Ragnar pulled his phone back out, looking at Talia's response.

I can't wait to visit the world with you, and my favorite place is with you too 🩷.
Who is the most famous person you've met?

Probably Henry VIII and his daughter, Elizabeth I. Though honestly I've met most of the ruling monarchs.

He tucked his phone back away as they pulled up to the pack house. They were shown in to a large suite of rooms where they all dumped their bags before heading to the Lone Star Pack 's morgue.

"Cora you don't have to go with us for this part of you don't want to. Charlotte isn't coming," Caleb told her.

"I think I'll stay back with her," she agreed, looking a little relieved.

The morgue was located near the pack hospital and underground. The men entered and waited for the coroner to speak to them.

He showed them each of the bodies, and Ragnar looked each one over carefully. He'd seen enough dead bodies in his life that they didn't faze him. "These three over here were members of the Vail Pack."

The coroner looked the bodies over. "These three?"

"Yeah," Ragnar confirmed.

"That's interesting because they all had a slightly different smell to them. Kind of a chemical type scent, but they still smelled like rogues. It was almost undetectable. I swabbed all three and ran tests on them." He grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to Ragnar.

Ragnar studied it for a moment, then smiled. "These boys were using rogue scent, which means they are still members of their pack. Good job Doc. That is not easy to detect."

The coroner smiled. "I almost missed it, but one of them smelled more like chemicals than the other two."

"I think we got what we need. Thanks Doc," Ragnar said.

"Happy to help." The coroner bowed his head to them.

The men left the morgue and headed back up the stairs. Caleb linked Charlotte and Cora to meet them in front of the pack house.

"Did you find anything?" Trent asked when they reached the packhouse

"Possibly," Daniel told him. "We'd like to head out to the site where everything went down again."

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now