☄. *. ⋆revelations of boredom

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Wing chuckles at how Y/n and Killua speak to each other and interrupts their discussion. "So how do you know each other?" he says, noticing they already have a stubborn friendship growing.

Y/n pauses and looks at Wing. Killua freezes and sighs, finding y/n weird. "well.. we.." y/n beggins not sure if Killua wants to tell that to Wing, Killua knows him longer so she glances at the silver haired boy that wore his mask once again. He looks back at her, not really having a clue why she's gazing at him "What?"

"so..? wait, what?" y/n raises an eyebrow under her Gwen mask.

"What do you mean? I said 'what' first but out of nowhere you're admiring me"

"I wasn't admiring you" she answers with mockery. Killua rolls his eyes and looks up to the Wing.

"I broke her phone running into her and then that's when it all started." Killua lies.

Wing stares at the little assassin and nods, feeling faintly that it's a lie but not minding much since it doesn't seem to be that relevant to their conversation.

"Number 5667 and Number 3900 on arena C section 5" a voice calls out with the help of a microphone to be properly heard in the halls of the 80th floor.

"that's me" y/n speaks and waves wing goodbye with a smile under her mask and turns to Killua.

"Why does he get special treatment?"

"Try harder Killua maybe one day you'll have it as well" the girl says snarky.

The ex-bride led herself to the section to fight her opponent in arena C, ready to make more money.

☄. *. ⋆

After a few hours, knowing about y/n competence she's up to the 100th level, Killua dropping his body in the little bed they got. Having a satisfied look on his face that wasn't covered by his mask. The sky was already getting orange from the sun, it was noon.

"Now let's eat, I'm not gonna spend much more time without eating" says our protagonist with her mask in hands and a tired gaze. Obviously too lazy to do anything.

"Can I choose?"

"Ha ha, nice try, if you choose, you pay" she chuckles in sarcasm.

Killua sits up and huffs "fine, you choose. It's kind of a miracle you are actually going to pay" he smirks.

y/n looks down at the smirk in annoyance and rolls her eyes, already walking to the door, the exit of the small room. "I guess I need to thank your ass for saving me at the testing gate"

"You know, you get annoyed and defensive easily" Killua says cocky, stepping to the girl's direction. "But yeah, I was pretty much a hero to you back then" his voice still showing his confidence.

"You annoy me and attack me, mostly verbally even. You tempt me"

"Of course, you tempt me back, hag" he scoffs and closes the door, locking it.

Both of them walk to the elevator with their masks in hands and enter it. "You need to tell me more about Gon, by the way" y/n head turns to face Killua properly. For a moment the cat eyed boy stays in silence.

"Why?" he asked, a bit grumpy.

"because if we're gonna stick together we'll have to talk to each other about things, duh"

"you already told me half of the information of your siblings, don't get to attached"

I want you- Bob dylan starts playing

"Well... I was thinking" the elevator starts getting down and y/n's voice doesn't show annoyance nor negative emotions, she calms herself and shows Killua her light side."I don't really have a friend around and I'm not even sure where they are. So you're basically the closest person I have at the moment. It's not THAT bad to be with you" she smirks a bit at the last sentence and continues. "I don't really know if you have a specific goal right now or something, but I want to continue hanging out with you." she stares at Killua, or more specifically, his mask.

"okay..." he says, also getting a bit lighter than before. "But do you seriously have friends? Being an assassin?" he ask weirdly.

"yeah, everywhere I had a mission I took more time because I was making friends. So if the mission was near their home I passed by to say hi" she says a bit more blunt, not really knowing what makes Killua is finding weird.

"you're weird," he sighs and chuckles shortly and quietly.

"ok, ok we get it, I'm weird" y/n rolls her eyes. The door of the elevator opens and they walk out of it.

That night they walked through the restaurants and chose something that looked good. but when they returned, y/n stubbornly made Killua sleep on the floor, laughing at him for it.

☄. *. ⋆

★Bloodwilliams bonuses. Kai: 15. Mischa/Veronique: 14 Rake: 11 Y/n: 10

"damn it's hot outside..." Veronique complains and rolls her eyes, holding one of the most stylish fans she was, resting her feet on a chair.

"Yeah, somebody could actually fry an egg on the balcony" says Rake, sighing tired, sweating. The siblings chilled in the living room. There was a glass door that led them to the balcony, you had an iron finishing to make the structure more modern.

"Mom says Dad is making us have a bit more sunlight because of a type of heat resistance. But the egg thing could actually happen, due to the temperature" Mischa says, not much emotions present in her nerdy statement.

She moves her queen in the chess game she's playing with little y/n. Mischa looks up to her little sister and notices that Kai suddenly disappeared from where he was and left his game controller.

"Where 's Kai...?" The rest of the siblings notice that Kai wasn't there anymore.

Y/n giggles and smiles "He's getting the eggs!"

Rake blinks and laughs "sweet!", he says while holding into his guitar.

A Certain Romance ☄. *. ⋆ ᴷⁱˡˡᵘᵃ ᶻᵒˡᵈʸᶜᵏOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz