Chapter 2: Do you still remember me?

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The inexplicable phenomenon of my eyes turning a striking shade of purple remained etched in my mind. I glanced at the mirror, half-expecting the reflection to revert to its normal hue, but my violet irises persisted. A sense of disbelief and confusion gripped me, prompting me to pull out my phone and use the front camera, hoping for a rational explanation. To my dismay, the screen confirmed what I had feared—my eyes were indeed an unnatural shade of purple.

Panic threatened to surface, but I pushed it down, attempting to rationalize the situation. "There's no use fretting over it now. Maybe consulting a doctor tomorrow will shed some light on this bizarre occurrence," I murmured to myself, trying to pacify the mounting unease.

Opting to distract myself, I proceeded to unpack my belongings. As I reached for my luggage, I noticed it was slightly unzipped. Instantly, a surge of concern coursed through me. Hastily opening it, I meticulously inspected its contents, only to find everything seemingly untouched. The neatly packed cases with clothes remained undisturbed, leading me to deduce that perhaps I had failed to secure the zipper properly, resulting in its gradual opening.

With a sigh of relief, I unpacked swiftly, arranging my things meticulously. Fatigue set in after the long day, and I reclined on the bed, its softness a stark contrast to the unfamiliarity of my surroundings.

Memories of my restricted upbringing flooded back; I had rarely been allowed outside my house, save for attending school. Even after fleeing home and residing in an apartment for a month, I struggled to adapt. The sudden shift to this secluded setting triggered a familiar discomfort. "I hope I can acclimate to this new environment soon," I murmured, seeking solace in the hope that time would ease the unease creeping into my thoughts.

The room exuded a sense of serenity, its tranquil ambiance offering a semblance of comfort. Yet, the inexplicable occurrences and the cryptic messages lingered in my mind, adding to the enigmatic aura that enveloped this place. I couldn't help but wonder about the note, the peculiar doll, and the principal's cryptic words—all serving as pieces of an intricate puzzle waiting to be solved.

As hours slipped away in contemplation, a knock echoed through the room, shattering the silence and pulling me back to reality. With a resigned sigh, I rose from my thoughts and approached the door, finding Yori waiting on the other side.

"Miss Y/n, it's time for dinner. Please come, follow me. Remember, we have a strict schedule," Yori stated in his usual composed manner. I nodded in acknowledgment and followed him to the dining area.

Upon entering, I noticed Luka already seated, his restlessness evident as he fidgeted with his phone. Settling opposite him, I observed the dishes before me, and to my surprise, they were my favorites. Yori, standing aside, expressed, "I hope it's to your liking. I worked hard to prepare it for the two of you."

Expressing gratitude, I opened the dishes, greeted by the comforting aroma of my cherished meals. Curiosity nudged me to ask Yori, "Aren't you going to eat with us?"

"No, I'm not hungry," he replied with a serene smile, maintaining his composed demeanor.

Relishing the meal that I hadn't enjoyed in quite some time, I noticed Luka's unease. He barely touched his food, his gaze darting between his plate and the incessantly buzzing phone. The constant notifications seemed to agitate him, preventing any chance of conversation.

Wanting to ease the tension, I considered engaging Luka in conversation, hoping to glean some clarity from our interaction. However, Yori intervened, addressing Luka, "Mr. Luka, is your food not to your satisfaction? I can prepare something else for you."

"Oh, no, I love the food. It's my favorite," Luka replied in a soft tone, a hint of anxiety lingering in his voice. He pushed his wavy hair aside, momentarily setting his phone aside to take a few bites before sighing and resuming his meal.

Observing the situation, I found it peculiar that Yori had coincidentally prepared not only my favorite dishes but also Luka's. The circumstances appeared orchestrated, leaving a lingering sense of unease within me.

Finishing my meal swiftly, I excused myself from the table, intending to retire to my room. The unanswered questions weighed heavily on my mind, stirring a mix of curiosity and trepidation. As I left the dining area, the enigmatic air surrounding this place seemed to intensify, fueling my determination to uncover the secrets concealed within these walls.

The weariness weighed heavily upon me as I returned to my room, exchanging my clothes for more comfortable attire. Collapsing onto the bed, exhaustion tugged at my eyelids, yet sleep remained elusive, much like countless other nights. I tossed and turned, attempting to coax myself into slumber to no avail.

My gaze fell upon the unassuming box resting on the table. Curiosity beckoned me, and I retrieved it, wondering why a rope had found its way into my possession along with the mysterious note. "Do I already have a stalker? How intriguing," I murmured, my tone laced with a blend of sarcasm and unease.

Whispering softly to myself, I jested about the hypothetical intentions of a potential intruder. As if responding to the eerie moment, a gust of wind swept through the room, causing the note to flutter to the floor. I stooped to retrieve it, my eyes drawn to the open window. "I forgot to close it," I muttered, moving to shut it, only to be startled by the reflection.

A pair of purple eyes stared back at me, momentarily shocking me into a flutter of fear. My heart raced until I realized they were merely a reflection of my own eyes, now tinged an inexplicable hue of violet. "I forgot about my eyes turning purple," I muttered, feeling foolish for succumbing to unnecessary dread.

Despite the reassurance, a lingering sense of apprehension persisted. Doubts clouded my mind, prompting me to verify the impossibility of someone spying on me from outside. Peering out the window, I confirmed the room's inaccessibility from any external platform, quelling my unease.

However, my tranquility was short-lived as a glimmer caught my eye. At a distance, a peculiar sight unfolded before me—a group of shadowy figures clad in black, their faces obscured. Panic surged within me as I struggled to comprehend the inexplicable scene unfolding outside my window.

"What are they doing here?" I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible amidst the sudden surge of fear and confusion. The glow emanating from their presence intensified, casting an eerie luminescence around them, their obscured features adding to the enigma. The inexplicable sight paralyzed me with a chilling realization that something inexplicable and potentially menacing was occurring right before my eyes.

My mind raced, attempting to rationalize the inexplicable scene before me, yet failing to offer any plausible explanations. The presence of these mysterious individuals outside my window sent shivers down my spine, leaving me with a haunting sense of foreboding and a torrent of unanswered questions.


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