Chapter 22: The Pain of unrequited Love.

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The next morning, I woke up in my bed, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite falling asleep on the floor the night before. My blanket was snugly wrapped around me, and as I glanced around my room, I noticed that everything was remarkably tidy. The books on my desk were neatly arranged, and there was an air of orderliness that seemed out of place in my usually cluttered space.

During break later that day, I took the opportunity to ask a classmate if anything out of the ordinary had happened the previous day. As expected, they reported that it had been a mundane and uneventful day, with nothing worth noting occurring in class. I sighed in relief, reassured that my concerns were likely unfounded.

Despite my attempts to brush off the strange occurrences, a lingering sense of unease remained. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that there was more to the situation than met the eye. I resolved to be more vigilant and cautious, determined to keep a closer eye on my surroundings.

As I walked alone through the campus later that day, I couldn't help but notice the absence of the angel statue that had once stood proudly in the courtyard. It had been a point of interest for many students, its ethereal beauty capturing the attention of passersby. Now, it was gone, removed perhaps due to its unauthorized installation.

Despite the circumstances surrounding its removal, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at its absence. The statue had held a certain charm, its presence adding a touch of magic to the campus environment. Now, all that remained was an empty space, devoid of the statue's tranquil presence.

Ame sat in his workshop, surrounded by his dolls, his nimble fingers expertly crafting each delicate detail. His smile was warm as he conversed with an empty space, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

"Don't you want to give it a try? You might be really good at it," he suggested, leaning in as if expecting a response.

"Who are you talking to?"

Ame's gaze snapped to the side, his expression shifting from joy to surprise and heartbreak. "Why are you sitting on her seat?" he questioned, a note of annoyance creeping into his voice.

"This seat is not occupied by anyone. Can't I sit here, dear master?"

Confusion clouded Ame's features as he searched the room frantically. "Y/n was just here. Where did she go?" he muttered, panic rising in his chest.

"Hahaha... What are you talking about? She was never here. It's still too early for her classes to end."

Defeated, Ame sank back into his chair, his despair palpable. "So all that happened today was just a-" His words were cut off by another interruption.

"A hallucination. You used to be able to tell the difference quite easily. Now, you're getting sloppy. Either that, or your condition is getting worse,"

Ame's shoulders slumped as he absorbed the truth of the situation. "Yori, you're telling me it was just a hallucination? Nothing happened between us... after all the effort I had put into connecting with her, nothing is working?"

Ame appeared even more desolate now, struggling to contain his emotions.

"Why is it so hard to connect with her? She feels so distant, so out of reach, even when she's right beside me," he lamented. "I hallucinated that I told her I love her, and she loves me back, again."

"Master, that's probably because you have matured, while she has reverted to how she used to be."

"I'm so tired of trying over and over again, and still, nothing happens," Ame confessed, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You know what they say: true love is love that will never reach its destination,"

"Where did you learn such a twisted view, Yori?" Ame questioned, frustration evident as he wiped away his tears.

"That's nothing compared to what she has in store for me,"

Ame's agitation grew, his hands clutching his head in distress. "Yori... I can't bear to see her with someone else anymore... I can't endure this agony. How long do I have to keep this up? How long do I have to suffer?" he cried out, curling into himself.

"If you're so tired of that, why don't you hold her captive and make her love you?"

Ame recoiled at the suggestion, vehemently shaking his head. "No... I'll never do that to my precious beloved," he declared, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips he would always smile no matter the situation when he's speak about her.

"Master, you're so devoted to a woman who might never return your feelings. Why is that?" The inquiry hung in the air, a probing question that pierced through Ame's already fragile resolve.

"Because she's the reason I am the person I am today. She saved me. I'm nothing without her," Ame confessed, a mixture of sadness and affection evident in his tear-filled eyes. "I revolve my whole life around her. I quite honestly don't want to live in a world without her."

The offer hung tantalizingly in the air, a tempting proposition that threatened to shatter Ame's resolve. "Master, do you want me to make her love you?" The words echoed in the workshop, each syllable laden with the promise of relief from Ame's torment.

Ame's breath caught in his throat as he grappled with the weight of the offer. The allure of a love reciprocated was almost too much to bear, a beacon of hope in the darkness of his unrequited longing.

"Or shall we just start from the beginning before she falls in love with someone else?"

"Start from the beginning?" Ame repeated, his mind racing with the implications of the proposal.

"I'll have the pleasure of making her beautiful. I'll witness her transformation into the most beautiful version of herself, not just through memories,"

Ame's gaze lingered on Yori, torn between the desire for happiness and the fear of consequences. "I want to see her like that. I hate her. I want her to suffer,"

"You're acting creepy again," Ame chided gently, his expression betraying a hint of concern.

Ame's brow furrowed in confusion. "Where did you learn that from?" he inquired, his gaze narrowing as suspicion crept into his voice.

All he got was a bigger smile, a cryptic response to Ame's probing question. "Were you interacting with someone not approved by me first?" Ame pressed, his gaze intense as he sought answers.

"Of course not. I'm not interested in others' lives,"

"Then where did you—" Ame's question was cut short by  interruption, redirecting the conversation back to the heart of the matter.

"Master, this is enough chit-chat. Tell me, do you want me to make her fall in love with you, or shall I do what I want with her?" The words hung in the air, a final ultimatum that forced Ame to confront his deepest desires and fears.

"I know I shouldn't do that. I don't want to force her to love me. It's not right," Ame pleaded, his voice filled with desperation as he clung to his dwindling sense of morality.

"Why bother doing what's right or wrong? You're far too deep, there's no way back for you. You're definitely going to hell either way, so what's a couple more evil deeds accounting to your sins?" Yori's words cut through Ame's resolve, tempting him with the promise of liberation from his suffering.

" Yori, please leave you're messing with my head." Ame said.

" Before you leave wear this." He said as he said, taking out a beaded bracelet from the draw.

" I think I have way to many of them but I'll take it."

One things for sure I can't no longer let things stay the way they are. It's getting boring and I need to spice things up.

" I'll find a way I promise you."

" Yes, you.'


( Yandere Reverse Harem X Reader)A YANDRE AMONG USHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin