Chapter 3: The beauty of the Mystery

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As the mysterious group continued to pass by, shrouded in darkness, I cautiously stepped back from the window. Their ominous presence sent a ripple of unease through me, prompting a rational decision to ignore the unsettling spectacle. Settling back on the bed, it became apparent that sleep would elude me tonight. I resigned myself to the inevitable fatigue, planning to catch up on rest during the day.

With a sigh, I reached for my phone, its screen displaying the wallpaper—a poignant image of my friend who had tragically passed away. A smile played on my lips as I reminisced about our late-night conversations. The absence of those familiar texts left a void, and the pang of longing for his presence gripped me.

My fingers traced over the phone's surface, noting an inconspicuous crack that marred the once flawless device. Perplexed, I pondered how it occurred, my memory failing to recall any recent mishaps. The realization that I couldn't afford repairs, having severed financial ties with my father, led me to dismiss the minor damage. "It's just a small crack. I'll manage," I murmured, convincing myself to overlook the imperfection.

Contemplating my financial situation, I acknowledged the necessity of securing a part-time job amidst my academic commitments and the enigmatic program. A plan formed in my mind—I could allocate weekends for work, providing a much-needed source of spending money.

Engrossed in these thoughts, I fiddled with my phone until drowsiness crept in. Despite the comfortable bed in this unfamiliar room, sleep remained elusive. The scent of the surroundings, the texture of the sheets and blankets, even the pillows—all contrasted starkly with the familiarity of my childhood bed. Navigating the transitions between consciousness and the brink of slumber, I grappled with the disconcerting reality of my new environment, marked by strange occurrences and unanswered questions.

Despite my exhaustion, I kept my eyes closed, attempting to coax myself into much-needed slumber. The elusive embrace of sleep remained distant, teasing me with its presence but refusing to fully take hold. Hours drifted by, marked by a restless dance between consciousness and the brink of dreams.

A sudden knock disrupted the quietude, signaling the arrival of a new day. "Miss Y/n, please wake up. It's breakfast time," Yori's voice reached me, punctuating the silence. Slowly, I opened my eyes, my vision adjusting to the morning light filtering through the window.

Opening the door, I was met with Yori's energetic smile, seemingly impervious to the early hour. "I hope you had a good night's sleep. It's your first night, so I hope you're comfortable in your new room," he greeted me warmly. I offered a tired nod, the remnants of sleep lingering in my eyes.

"Please change your clothes and go to the dining room for breakfast in ten minutes. I request you not to be late," Yori instructed before stepping away, leaving me to prepare for the day.

After a refreshing face wash, I readied myself for the day ahead. The room's unfamiliarity persisted, but the routine provided a semblance of normalcy amidst the mysteries enveloping this place. Heading to the dining room, I found Yori and Luka already present.

Taking my seat, I noticed Luka's persistent restlessness, his demeanor mirroring the unease from the previous night. Yori, ever composed, acknowledged our presence. "Good morning. I trust you all had a restful night," he stated, his attentive gaze shifting between us.

Luka offered a murmured greeting, his eyes betraying a lack of peaceful slumber. "Morning," I replied, masking my own fatigue with a faint smile. The air in the room carried an undercurrent of tension, leaving me to wonder about the uncertainties lingering within the confines of this peculiar program.

Breakfast ensued in a somewhat subdued atmosphere, interrupted by occasional glances exchanged between Luka and me. The mysteries woven into the fabric of our surroundings and the enigmatic program cast a shadow over the morning routine.

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