Chapter 14: Mysterious butler.

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I was still reeling from the surprise of finding out it was already Saturday and wondering how I managed to sleep through the entire day. The realization left me feeling disoriented and unsettled, but I tried my best to compose myself as Yori and the others hovered around, concerned for my well-being.

"Are you okay, Miss Y/n?" Yori's voice broke through my thoughts, and I offered him a reassuring smile, though inwardly I was still struggling to make sense of everything.

"I'm fine, thank you," I replied, hoping to alleviate their worries. Yori nodded, his expression softening with relief, before he gently urged me to join them downstairs for dinner.

"Please come downstairs for dinner after you're done changing," he said, his voice gentle but firm as he left the room with Dr. Suting and Luka trailing behind him.

Alone once more, I sighed heavily, the weight of confusion pressing down on me. How had time slipped away from me so easily, and why did everything feel so strange? I shook my head, trying to dispel the lingering sense of unease, before turning my attention to the task of getting ready for dinner.

As I brushed my teeth and stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice that my eyes still retained their unnatural purple hue. It was yet another oddity in a day filled with strange occurrences, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously amiss.

With a resigned sigh, I finished getting ready and made my way downstairs to join the others for dinner. Taking my usual seat at the table, I observed Dr. Suting's presence with mild surprise. It wasn't often that he joined us for meals, and I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted his sudden change in routine.

"Yori, aren't you going to join us?" I inquired, glancing at him as he stood nearby, his posture relaxed but his expression unreadable.

"No, Miss Y/n, I'm not hungry. Please enjoy your meal and don't worry about me," he replied, offering me a small, reassuring smile that failed to reach his eyes.

"Yori loves eating in private. He's not going to join us, no matter what," Dr. Suting chimed in, his tone light but his gaze lingering on Yori with a hint of concern.

"I wonder why that is? I always thought people enjoyed eating together," Luka remarked, surprising me with his sudden contribution to the conversation. It was unusual for him to speak up, and I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted him to do so.

"Different people have different preferences. It's perfectly normal," Dr. Suting replied, his smile warm as he directed his attention back to his meal. Yori remained silent, his gaze fixed on some distant point as he stood by the edge of the room.

Feeling a sense of discomfort settle over me, I focused on my food, occasionally engaging in conversation with Dr. Suting to fill the awkward silence that had descended upon the table. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, and that the answers to my questions lay just beyond my reach.

After dinner, when everyone retired to their rooms, I felt restless. It hadn't been long since I woke up from my prolonged sleep, and the idea of returning to bed so soon felt suffocating. Instead, I decided to wander the halls, the need to stretch my legs overwhelming my desire for sleep.

As I made my way through the dimly lit corridors, my mind wandered, preoccupied with the events of the day. The mysterious phone call, the surreal dreams—all of it felt like pieces of a puzzle, scattered and disjointed, refusing to fit together.

Just as I was about to head towards the library in search of distraction, the sound of a loud scream pierced the air, causing me to freeze in place. My heart pounded in my chest, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. Who could be screaming at this hour, and why?

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