Chapter 13: I'm not afraid.

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After I finished drying his hair, I handed Yori the towel with a polite smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having completed the task.

"Thank you for helping me," Yori said, accepting the towel with a grateful nod. "I learned everything from my master, but since he has short hair, I wasn't too sure how to dry my long hair. So I just followed how my master dries his hair."

His explanation caught me off guard. It seemed strange that Yori would rely solely on his master's example for something as simple as drying his hair. Surely, there were other sources he could have turned to for guidance, or he could have used common sense to figure it out himself. Nevertheless, I simply smiled in response, unsure of how to react to his peculiar statement.

Yori remained seated beside me, his casual attire lending him a more relaxed aura than usual. I couldn't help but notice how different he seemed outside of his usual butler uniform.

Feeling a bit awkward under his gaze, I decided to divert my attention back to the book I had been reading, hoping to escape the palpable tension that seemed to hang in the air between us.

"That book... it's my favorite," Yori suddenly remarked, his eyes fixed on the pages of the novel. His unexpected confession caught me off guard, as I had assumed that Yori's tastes leaned more towards horror or mystery genres.

"I didn't know you liked romantic novels," I responded, genuinely surprised by his revelation.

"I don't," he admitted, his gaze distant as if lost in memories. "But someone recommended it to me, and I really enjoyed reading it with her. Rather than the story itself, I like the memories I have with it. Every time I read the book, I can feel my heart fluttering."

His words struck a chord within me, and I couldn't help but wonder about the person who had shared such intimate moments with Yori. It was a side of him that I hadn't expected to see, and it left me feeling both intrigued and slightly unsettled. Yori is usually very mysterious I don't understand why he's suddenly telling me all this? This fells strange.. whatever.

"Wow, that's... unexpected," I replied, struggling to find the right words to express my thoughts. "I love the novel too," I added, offering him a small smile in return.

Yori returned my smile, though there was a hint of sadness lingering in his eyes. It was as if behind his composed exterior, he carried a weight of untold stories and hidden emotions.

As we sat in silence, the air between us heavy with unspoken words, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Yori than met the eye. And as I looked into his enigmatic gaze, I found myself drawn deeper into the mystery that surrounded him.

After a while, Yori glanced at his phone and noted the late hour. "It's already this late. I suggest that you go back to your room to sleep," he said, offering his hand to help me up.

I accepted his hand and stood up, bidding him goodnight before making my way back to my room. Once there, I scrolled through my phone for a while before eventually drifting off to sleep.

In the midst of my slumber, I felt a strange sensation pulling me into another realm. The scenery around me changed abruptly, and I found myself standing behind a small chapel, marveling at its intricate architecture. As I turned around, I saw four angels standing in a circle, three of them covering their faces while the fourth, a stunningly beautiful figure, resembled the statue from the campus.

"Three angels blinded by lies. And the other died knowing the truth. But at least she died knowing everything," a voice echoed around me, though there was no one to be seen.

"Don't you think believing in lies is much easier than being blinded by the truth?" the voice continued, its words resonating through the air. "Lies do not blind you; it is the truth that forces you to look past the point and effectively blinds you to the goodness of lies. Truth is always painful."

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