Chapter 10: Escape

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As I lay in bed, tired yet unable to sleep, the digital clock on my phone mocked me with its relentless countdown to 3:00 AM. When the moment finally arrived, a sudden wave of discomfort washed over me, and my eyes began to ache intensely. I attempted to rub away the pain, but it only seemed to worsen, accompanied by the unsettling sensation of liquid trickling from my eyes.

In a panic, I tried to force my heavy eyelids open, but they refused to obey, trapping me in a terrifying darkness. Panic set in as I struggled against the confines of my own body, the sensation of claustrophobia growing with each futile attempt to escape.

Amidst the suffocating darkness, a voice pierced through the void, sending shivers down my spine. "I like your eyes; they're quite lovely," it whispered, its tone both eerie and unsettling. Fear gripped me as I strained to identify the source of the voice, but all I could perceive was the oppressive darkness that enveloped me.

The voice continued, its words a chilling reminder of my vulnerable state. "Remember, if you panic, bad things can happen," it cautioned, sending a shiver down my spine. Who was speaking to me, and why were they tormenting me in this way?

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, the sensation of someone reaching out towards my eyes with malevolent intent. A small light flickered in the distance, gradually growing brighter until it bathed the darkness in an intense glow. Though the light initially blinded me, I soon adjusted, only to find a hand covering my face and another wrapped around my waist.

Panic surged within me as I struggled against the unseen assailant, desperately attempting to break free from their grasp. Every movement felt futile as their hold tightened, trapping me in a suffocating embrace.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I cried out, my voice echoing through the void. But there was no response, only the oppressive silence of the darkness that surrounded me.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I fought against the invisible force that held me captive, each moment filled with a sense of dread and uncertainty. Would I ever escape this nightmarish ordeal, or was I doomed to remain trapped in this darkness forever?

As the minutes stretched into eternity, I clung to the hope that dawn would eventually break, banishing the shadows that threatened to consume me. But until then, I remained ensnared in a terrifying abyss, my only solace the distant flicker of light that pierced through the darkness.

As I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy shroud. This dream was unlike any I had experienced before, its vividness and intensity bordering on reality. Yet, deep down, I knew it was just a figment of my imagination, a manifestation of my subconscious fears and desires.

"Who are you?" I repeated, my voice trembling with uncertainty. The figure behind me remained silent for a moment, its grip tightening around my waist as if seeking reassurance.

"I don't know. Who do you think I am?" came the enigmatic response, spoken in a voice tinged with an otherworldly echo. Despite the lack of visual confirmation, I could sense its presence looming over me, a weighty presence that seemed to fill the void around us.

"I'll ask again, who are you?" I demanded, my tone more forceful this time, though I couldn't shake the underlying fear that gnawed at my insides.

"I'm the one who's forced to love you, my dear," it replied cryptically, its words sending a chill down my spine. Dr. Suting's voice echoed in my mind, but something about it felt off, distorted by the strange circumstances of this dream.

"But I didn't ask you to love me. Who could possibly force you to 'love me'?" I pressed, struggling to maintain my composure in the face of this bizarre revelation.

( Yandere Reverse Harem X Reader)A YANDRE AMONG USWhere stories live. Discover now