Chapter 17: A doubt not worth clearing.

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"Any update for Eva's case, Yori?"

"The case has been the same for months now, the police couldn't find a thing, master."

"Couldn't find a thing is a strong word. I want you to keep your ears open, you understand, Yori?" He said, not bothering to look up as he continued refining the medicine he was making. After the last step, he finally put them in a sterilized container.

He disposed of his mask and gloves, but just as he was about to unbutton his lab coat, he started coughing aggressively. His eyes twitched, and his hand shook uncontrollably.

"Hahaha... it seems to me you have been neglecting your medicines. In fact, your symptoms seem worse than before."

"Shut up!" he spat, grabbing one pill and reaching for the water.

After a while, the coughing began to reduce, and he sat on the chair, visibly exhausted. He pulled his hair back, revealing a fairly big dent in the middle of his forehead.

"Master, how have things been with her? Any progress?"

"Are you trying to piss me off? We haven't even had a proper conversation," he said, his mood particularly sour today.

"I don't know what you see in her, Master Ame. She seems pretty self-absorbed."

"You say that when you're clearly obsessed with her," he retorted.

"Guilty as charged, but unfortunately for me, I was simply made that way. I myself don't know why I do that. Perhaps it's the 'history' we share."

He was clearly annoyed but chose not to voice his concern.

"What do you mean you're made that way?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

All he got for an answer was a smile.

"I'll leave now. Your helpers will be tending to you. Unfortunately, I need to do something. Take care."


Luka panted aggressively as he put the girl down, relieved that she was safe. The girl's mother immediately rushed over, apologizing profusely and on the verge of tears. It seemed the girl had a habit of wandering off alone.

Despite his exhaustion, Luka couldn't shake the worry gnawing at him. He sighed and turned to look for Y/n, expecting to find her nearby.

To his surprise, she was nowhere to be seen. Panic began to rise within him as he frantically searched for her, his heart pounding in his chest.

After a few moments of frantic searching, he spotted her standing in the exact same spot where he had left her. She hadn't moved an inch, her expression unreadable. Was she even concerned about him and the girl?

As he approached, he noticed she was talking on the phone, her voice trembling with worry. It was unusual for her to show concern for someone else.

"Hame? You're... really alright, nothing happened, right?" she said, her voice shaky with emotion. She let out a sigh, the worry in her eyes replaced by confusion. Hanging up the phone, she seemed to forget about Luka and the girl entirely as she walked away, lost in her own thoughts.

Luka could only stare after her, it was clear that her action might have made him sad. But he quickly composed himself, forcing a soft smile onto his face.

It felt like chasing after the fleeting affection of a cat—tedious yet irresistible. No matter how many times she seemed to drift away, he couldn't help but keep coming back, hoping for a glimpse of her warmth and attention.

Luka couldn't help but laugh at himself as he followed Y/n back home, her mind seemingly lost in thought. She was indeed a strange girl, always seeming to be absorbed in her own world without a care for anything else.

As he tried to keep up with her brisk pace, she finally seemed to notice his presence.

"Oh, Luka... I'm sorry I forgot about you," she apologized.

"It's fine, as long as you're fine," he replied with a smile. Like an idiot smitten with a girl who didn't even realize his feelings.

They continued to walk in silence, but Luka couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He stopped abruptly, scanning their surroundings for any signs of trouble. Then, his phone pinged with a notification, and his hands began to shake as he read the message.

Y/n noticed his sudden change in demeanor and approached him, concern evident in her eyes.

"Luka, is something the matter?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with curiosity and worry.

"It's nothing. You should go on without me; I have something to do," he replied weakly, unable to hide the distress in his voice.

Y/n didn't hesitate and just nodded, it was clear that she noticed something was off but ultimately she decided not to voice her concern.

As he watched her retreating figure, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not confiding in her. But he knew he had to deal with this on his own, whatever "this" was.

Alone in the dimming light of dusk, she walked, her thoughts swirling in a chaotic dance of uncertainty. There was a heaviness in the air, a foreboding sense of unease that whispered through the silence like a sinister melody.

With each step, the shadows seemed to lengthen, reaching out with spectral fingers to grasp at her consciousness. It was as if the darkness itself hungered for her, eager to swallow her whole and drag her into its depths.

The cold wind whispered eerie secrets as it brushed against her skin, carrying with it a chill that seeped into her bones. She shivered, pulling her jacket tighter around herself, but the fabric offered little comfort against the encroaching darkness.

As she walked alone, unaware or even concerned for what might be watching her, there was a sense of determination in her steps. A person with a strong and unwavering soul doesn't succumb to the temptations, darkness, and fear that await everyone. She seemed to embody that strength, marching forward with a sense of purpose, even if her mind was clouded with confusion.

One would wonder how a girl would look when she's scared and alone, begging for life, begging for mercy. That would be the most beautiful a young woman could look. But she showed no signs of fear, no trace of vulnerability in her demeanor. Instead, she exuded a quiet resilience that was both captivating and unsettling.

She continued to walk until she reached home, closing the door behind her monotonously. The look wasn't too flattering on her, but it didn't matter. A woman is at her most beautiful when she's despairing and filled with darkness, or so they say.

"Don't you agree?"

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