Chapter 23: Everything leads me to you.

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I was walking on the campus until I reached the neighboring department, which happens to be Luka's. I had never been too interested in Luka aside from him being my only classmate in the program, but recently he had been really distant, not because of being too shy, but because of something different. He started acting that way days ago, and I'm very interested in what's going on with him. I wonder what happened.

His classes should end right about now. I should go meet up with him so we could go together.

And that's what I did. It didn't take me too long to find him. He was walking towards me alone, looking gloomy as ever. I walked towards him, and he seemed surprised to see me.

"Luka, let's walk home together," I proposed. He looked baffled. I guess I had never bothered to go back home with him until now, besides when a car came to pick us up, of course.

Luka's frown was replaced by a small smile. "Sure, let's go home together."

We were about to leave when somebody approached us, well, to be exact, Luka.

"Yo, Luka, could you please do the assignment for me? I'm screwed if I don't finish it tomorrow," the big, bulky man said casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to ask Luka to do his work.

"Sure," Luka replied with a smile, and the man walked away.

"Luka, why would you do his assignments for him? Did he threaten you to do it?" I asked, utterly surprised by Luka's willingness to comply with such a request.

"No, he's been struggling with schoolwork, and I'm helping him so that his grades will improve," Luka explained. His response left me even more astonished than before.

"What about your own work? You shouldn't do other people's work for them. You're not getting an education on their behalf, and it'll just hinder your own grades," I admonished.

Luka looked at me, his eyes sparkling. "Thank you for worrying about me, but it doesn't affect my grades at all. I love helping out in any way I can. It makes me feel good about myself," he said sincerely.

For some reason, this really annoyed me. Why would he be so naive as to let people take advantage of him and use him like this? It frustrated me to see him prioritizing others over himself, especially when he clearly had so much to do for his own sake.

I was seriously annoyed, even if my frustration seemed a bit irrational.

As we continued to walk, we reached an intersection. Both routes would lead us home, but the shorter path would take us directly there, while the longer one would wind through various school buildings.

Luka stopped and looked at me. "Which road do you want to take?" he asked, a question I found unusual. Normally, people would opt for the shorter route without a second thought.

"The shortcut, obviously. Do you usually take the longer road, Luka?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I prefer to avoid leaving the school grounds. But we can take the shortcut today," he replied timidly. We started walking, but I noticed Luka seemed jittery, glancing around nervously.

Once again, he was prioritizing others' preferences over his own comfort, even though he appeared uncomfortable. It annoyed me, although it worked out well for me—I didn't relish the idea of taking the longer route.

As we walked in silence, I observed Luka's frequent glances around him, as though searching for someone. When we reached a crossroad, we encountered an old lady struggling to cross the street. Without hesitation, Luka rushed forward to assist her, helping her cross safely.

I watched him in surprise.

He wasn't joking when he claimed to enjoy helping others. It reminded me of the incident where he risked his own safety to rescue a little girl. His behavior was unexpected, considering how long we'd known each other—I had never noticed his overly helpful tendencies before. Perhaps I wasn't as observant as I thought.

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