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Upstairs, Khione leads me to a set of double oak doors. They're carved with a map of the world, and in each corner is a bearded man blowing wind. Or, their mouths are blowing gusts of air. Not blowing wind.

Khione turns to me. "My father has not taken kindly to demigods as of late. His lord Aeolus has commanded that he kill any demigod on sight. However, your father has always been kind to him, so he will hear you out. I will translate for you." 

Before I can ask any questions, like why Aeolus would command that, or why she needs to translate, she turns and pushes open the doors. 

The hallway is so long, with mist obscuring the view of the end. There are windows to the left, with a view of Quebec. On either side of the hallway are frozen armored statues, each holding a spear. Above me is the best part: A miniature aurora borealis floating on the ceiling. 

I'm so distracted by the lights on the ceiling that I nearly jump out of my skin when the statues move, crossing their spears to block my path. 

A voice calls out in French, telling them to allow me to pass. 

"Bon soir, fille de le roi du vin. Viens-ici, sil vous plait." 

I approach, and the mist parts to reveal a man sitting on a frozen throne. He is wearing a suit that appears to be woven from snow. He has salt and pepper hair with tiny beads of ice, making it appear to sparkle. His beard looks the same way. Most striking of all are his wings. Enormous and purple, they spread out behind him. 

I do what I assume I should, and bow. "Bon soir, monsieur Boreas."

His face lights up with delight. "Vous parlez francais! Tres bien! Merci, Khione, mais je n'ais pas besoin de votre aide." 

Khione seems miffed that she's not needed, but she backs off. I notice Zethes and Calais have followed us up. 

Boreas stands and descends from his throne, his wings furling up to his back. "Welcome to my home, Callida, daughter of Dionysus." He speaks English now, though he still has a heavy French accent. 

"Thank you for welcoming me, and allowing an audience." I smile. "I know my father told you of my coming, but did he tell you why I'm here?"

Boreas smiles, I'd say it's a warm smile but I feel like that would be an insult to him. "He has not told me why, but he did ask that I hear you out, and pleaded that I help you. However, my lord Aeolus has commanded that I kill demigods on sight. So you see, I am in quite the predicament." 

"Yes, so I've heard." I try to keep my confident smile on my face, but on the inside I'm starting to really freak out. My dad wouldn't send me here if he thought Boreas would kill me, right? "What's that about, by the way?"

Boreas sighs. "A long time ago, when the Titans first rose, Typhon released a swarm off storm spirits as he was destroyed. It was Aeolus's duty to capture them all. It took him hundreds of years. Now, when the gods defeated Typhon again, he released a new wave of storm spirits, and Aeolus has to do it all over again." 

I frown. "The gods couldn't just let Typhon off with a warning. He had to be destroyed." 

Boreas raises his hands. "Aeolus can't take his anger and frustration out on the gods."

"So he takes it out on demigods." I conclude. "That's fair." 

"It is the way things go, I'm afraid." 

"So, you have to kill me?"

He hesitates. "Your father has always been kind to me, and I know he does not have a lot of demigod children. For him to send you here, alone, knowing that I have my orders, it must be important. And I owe him a favor. I can hear you out." 

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