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After our bout with the pirates, we decide to fly the rest of the way to Rome. We still have a couple hours before daybreak, so while Jason and Hedge keep watch, everyone else tries to get more sleep. 

As soon as I get back to my bunk, I lose it. I let out all the fear I had been holding in, hyperventilating as tears stream down my face. I had been so scared. All of my friends were held captive by a golden swordmaster-gorgon, and all I could do was act and pull a god out of thin air. Sure, I was successful, but I didn't think I would be. 

Plus, those dolphin-men had scared me too. I had tried to drive them mad, or finish their dolphin transformations from up high, in safety, but I couldn't. It's like something was blocking me. I'm worried that it's the sea, protecting the monsters. That would mean bad news for me in the battles to come if I can't pull out my biggest party trick. 

I take a deep breath, trying to stop the hyperventilating. My friends are safe, my plan worked, somehow, and we're up in the air now. No more dolphin-men. Besides, hopefully that ship is a big enough tribute for Dionysus to take notice. I mean, six million dollars worth of gold, plus a ship full of Diet Coke, plus a thank you from Percy? That's like, the golden trio for him. If that doesn't get his attention, I don't know what will. 

There's a faint knock at my door. 

"Come in." I squeak. I clear my throat, trying to steady my tone. "Come in."

Leo pokes his head in. When he sees I'm up, he comes and sits on the bed. 

"It's past curfew." I remind him. 

"Hedge is manning the helm."

"Right." I remember. 

"Dude, you were awesome up there." He grins. "'I prefer Supreme Commander! Tremble before the horror of Diet Coke!' Genius!"

"Leo, I didn't think that plan was going to work. It was crazy-"

"But that's your specialty!" He insists. "You come up with crazy plans, and they work!"

I shake my head. "I can't depend on crazy tricks to protect you guys. One day, it'll get us all killed." 

Leo frowns. "Okay, debbie-downer."

He's right. I'm being too negative. "Sorry. I'm just... I was really scared." 

He wraps an arm around me comfortingly. "Sorry I was out of commission. Those dolphin-people really knocked me around. Otherwise, I would've helped. You know how much I love acting crazy."

I laugh. "Yeah, we do make a good team when we work together." 

"That's why we're so great!" He insists. "Your crazy matches my crazy!"

I grimace. "I don't know if that's something to be proud of." 

"Are you kidding? I'm proud to be your crazy-level. It's the perfect amount!"

I smile and plant a big kiss on his cheek with a loud "Muah!"

He blushes a little, touching his cheek where I kissed it with his goofy grin. "I'll never get tired of that." 

"There's plenty more where that came from." I assure him. I grab his face and cover it in little kisses, making him laugh. 

"You're adorable." He tells me. 

"I thought I was psychologically terrifying."

"Adorably psychologically terrifying."

"Oh, okay. Makes sense." 

We sit in silence for a moment. 

"Are you embarrassed of me?" He asks suddenly. 


"Earlier, you didn't want to tell everyone that we're together." 

I frown. "I didn't think of it that way." I really hadn't, I just felt weird saying, Oh, Leo, you're my type.

"Oh." He nods. "So you're not? Embarrassed, I mean." 

"No." I grin, taking his hand in mine. "How could I be embarrassed? My boyfriend built a massive flying ship, can burst into flames, and makes amazing tacos. That's about as good as it can get!"

He laughs again. "Keep calling me your boyfriend. I love it."

"As long as you keep calling me your girlfriend."

He holds out his hand. "Deal."

I shake his hand firmly. "Deal."

I fall back onto my bed, exhaustion hitting me like a ton of bricks as my adrenaline wears off. 

"Tired?" Leo asks with a little smirk. 

"It's exhausting being Supreme Commander of the Argo II." I admit. 

"See? Not as easy as I make it look." He grunts, laying down next to me. I lay my head onto his chest. It's not incredibly muscular, but it's still comfortable. His heartbeat is fast, but rhythmic and calming. He runs his fingers through my hair, which to my surprise, feels amazing. 

Even though I know he has to leave, I find myself drifting off quickly. Leo is like a space heater, and I'm so comfortable, and so exhausted. My eyelids close on their own. 

"Leo?" I hear a faint voice outside my door. 

I try and ignore it, but a few moments later, I hear a quiet knock at my door. 

Very gently, the door opens, and Jason pokes his head in. "Hey, Cal, have you seen- Oh!" His eyes widen in surprise. "Wow. I'm so glad I volunteered to come down instead of letting Coach Hedge wake you guys."

I'm confused for a moment, before I realize my head is on Leo's shoulder, my hand on his chest. Leo is still snoring quietly, blissfully unaware. 

"Um, sorry, but we need to land." Jason tells me nervously. 

"Leo." I whisper, shaking him. 

Leo wakes with a start. "Huh? What-? Oh." His face reddens. "Hey, man. What's up?"

Jason grins. "So... you two..."

"We fell asleep." I insist. 

"Yeah, but..." Jason has a wild grin on his face. "You guys..."

"Yeah." I nod. 

Jason pumps his fist. "Finally!"

"Shut up." I grin. 

"So, Jason, any reason you're waking me up? I was pretty cozy." 

"Oh, we've made it to Rome." 

Leo jumps out of my bed, throwing me to the side. "Come on, Calli! Show time!"

"Yeah," I rub my head where it hit the wall. "Coming." 

I hear Leo bounding up the stairs, definitely taking them two at a time. 

Jason stays in the doorway. "Calli and Leo." He says to himself. "I was starting to think it was never going to happen."

"You thought about it a lot, huh?"

"I mean, come on." He shrugs. "You guys were basically a couple already. You do everything together."

I blush. "I mean, obviously I like him a lot."

"As you should." Jason nods. "Leo's a good guy. And you guys make each other better."

"You think so?" I ask, brightening up. For some reason, Jason's approval makes me feel really good. Like I'm doing something right. 

"I know so." Jason nods. "You should probably get up and get dressed. It's going to be a big day."

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