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"Guys, you have to see this." Jason steps out of the elevator first so I follow behind him. 

I can't help but catch my breath. "This is not Macy's." 

The whole department store looks like the inside of a kaleidoscope, due to the astrological stained glass mosaic on the ceiling. The upper floors make up rings of balconies around a huge central atrium on the ground floor. The whole store is full of color, with a variety of brightly colored oriental rugs covering the floors. The merchandise is strange too. I see refrigerators mixed with forges and t-shirts mixed with suits of armor.

Leo steps to the railing and looks down. "Check it out."

In the middle of the atrium is a fountain, the pool filled with gold coins, and on either side of the fountain are gilded cages. Inside of one of them is a furry satyr with a club, and the other contains what looks like a miniature tornado. It shudders as they try to get out.

"Is that Gleeson Hedge?" Calli frowns. 

"Coach Hedge!" I exclaim. "We've got to get down there."

"May I help you find something?" A voice asks.

We all jump back as a woman just... appears, in front of us. She's wearing an elegant black dress and diamond jewelry, like a retired fashion model. Something about her feels off, but I can't put my finger on it. Like, when you can tell someone's had plastic surgery, but it's not so bad that it's blatantly obvious.

She smiles down at us. "I'm so happy to see new customers. How may I help you?"

We all look at Jason. "Um, is this your store?"

She nods. "I found it abandoned, you know. I understand so many stores are these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So, this seemed a good... how do you say... first acquisition in this country."

Her voice sounds beautiful, but there's something off about it too. Calli and I glance at each other, clearly sensing the weird vibes, but Leo and Jason don't seem too worried.

"So, you're new to America?" Jason asks her.

"I am...new." She agrees. "I am the princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now, what are we looking for?"

I poke him in the ribs. "Jason..."

"Um, right." He shakes himself out of what seems to be a trance. "Actually, Your Highness," He points to Coach Hedge. "That's our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we... have him back please?"

"Of course!" She agrees immediately. "I would love to show you my inventory. First may I know your names?"

Calli steps forward. "Jason, I wouldn't-"

"This is Piper." He introduces, ignoring her. "This is Leo, Calli, and I'm Jason."

For a second, the princess' eyes seem to glow with hate, but the next second, she's back to normal. "Jason. What an interesting name." Her eyes are cold. "I think we'll have to make a special deal for you. Come, children. Let's go shopping."

I want to grab everyone and run. Everything about this place is off and creepy. Calli doesn't seem too worried, but her eyes dart around the place almost strategically. I can't get a read on her. She seems so chill, but Annabeth had told me she's insanely powerful. Annabeth had actually spoken really highly of her. Looking at her now, she doesn't look very scary or intimidating. She looks like a regular teen girl, her nose and cheeks tinged slightly pink as if she's been drinking. The corners of her mouth are always tilted upwards, as if she's stuck in a smirk. The way she talks, the goofy jokes and sayings, she reminds me of Leo. 

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