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I walk beside Annabeth, a sea of hastily assembled demigods parting for us as we walk across the forum. Some look tense, some nervous. Some are bandaged from the recent battle with the giants, but no one is armed, and no one attacks. We had decided that I'll walk with Annabeth. I don't look very threatening, according to Annabeth and Jason. And without weapons, I'm our best shot of safely holding back the crowd if things go sour. I try and look as confident as I can, show no fear, but inside my heart is racing. We're surrounded by Romans, who until about an hour ago have considered us enemies. 

Entire families have gathered to see us, which is so strange to me. Usually at camp, people can stay on as counselors or they leave to try and have a normal life in the mortal world. Here, there is an entire multigenerational community. I do like that, but something about the rigidness and organization of the city makes me uneasy. 

At the far end of the crowd I spot Tyson and Mrs. O'Leary, who had been the scouting party that discovered Camp Jupiter for us. They look happy. Tyson waves and grins, wearing an SPQR banner like a bib. 

In front of us, the demigods make way for a girl in full Roman armor and a purple cape. Dark hair tumbles across her shoulders. Her eyes are as black as obsidian. 

That must be Reyna. Jason described her to us well. Even without that, she's pretty obviously the leader. Medals decorate her armor. She carries herself with such confidence that other demigods back away and avert their gaze.

However, there's something in her face that tells me she's faking it. Maybe it's the way she seems to force her chin up, or the hard set of her mouth, but I can just... feel it. She's forcing a look of courage while holding back a mixture of hopefulness and worry and fear that she can't show in public. I suddenly feel like I know her. Like I could sit down with her and we could talk and we'd be best friends. 

Reyna and Annabeth consider each other silently as the rest of us fan out to either side. The Romans mutter Jason's name, staring at him in awe. 

"What now?" Leo whispers to me from beside me. 

Before I can answer, Percy appears from the crowd, and Annabeth stumbles. 

He smiles at her, but she doesn't move. From beside her, I can feel her panic, her nerves, her relief. And anger. 

He turns and gives me a friendly smile and nod, which forces a grin onto my face. I nod back to him in greeting. 

Reyna straightens and turns to Jason. "Jason Grace, my former colleague..." She speaks the word colleague like it's a dangerous thing. "I welcome you home. And these, your friends..." 

Annabeth surges forward. Percy rushes her at the same time. The crowd tenses. Some reach for swords that aren't there. 

Annabeth and Percy throw their arms around each other and kiss. It's a cute moment, but also kind of uncomfortable for the rest of us. Out of nowhere, Annabeth grabs his wrist and flips him over her shoulder. Romans cry out, but Reyna holds them back.

Annabeth puts her knee on Percy's chest, pushing her forearm against his throat. I'm tempted to say something to her, but I can already tell it would be no use. 

Annabeth says something, and Percy laughs. She helps him to his feet, and everyone relaxes. 

Jason clears his throat. "So, yeah... It's good to be back." 

He goes down the row, introducing us all. Piper, who looks a little miffed that she hadn't gotten to say the lines she'd been practicing, and Leo, who grins and flashes a peace sign. He introduces me, and I give a wave and a bow, flashing everyone a friendly, please don't kick us into the dirt smile. 

"And this is Annabeth," Jason says. "Uh, normally she doesn't judo-flip people." 

Reyna's eyes sparkle. "You sure you're not a ROman, Annabeth? Or an Amazon?"

Annabeth holds out her hand. "I only attack my boyfriend like that. Pleased to meet you." 

Reyna clasps her hand firmly. "It seems we have a lot to discuss. Centurions!" 

A few of the Roman campers hustle forwards, apparently the senior officers. Two kids appear at Percy's side, the same ones he'd been walking with earlier. I can tell that they feel close to Percy. They stand next to him protectively, like they've already shared many adventures. 

I'm pretty good at reading people. I sort of have a sense for emotions. But there's one thing I can't figure out. The girl with the curly hair and cavalry helmet keeps frowning at Leo, like she recognizes him and the memory is painful. Something about it leaves an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I find myself casually stepping forwards to block her line of sight to him. Why? I have no idea. 

Meanwhile, Reyna is giving orders to her officers. "...tell the legion to stand down. Dakota, alert the spirits in the kitchen. Tell them to prepare a welcome feast. And, Octavian-"

"You're letting these intruders into the camp?" A tall guy with stringy blond hair elbows his way forwards. Jason had told me about him too. He's not very well liked, but he is the camp's augur. He reads the future in teddy bear stuffing. I specifically remember Jason telling me and Leo not to mess with Reyna, but that Octavian could be fair game, in moderation. I hope I get the opportunity. "Reyna, the security risks-"

"We're not taking them to the camp, Octavian." Reyna flashes him a stern look. "We'll eat here, in the forum." 

"Oh, much better." Octavian grumbles. "You want us to relax in the shadow of their warship." 

"These are our guests." Reyna clips off every word. "We will welcome them, and we will talk to them. As augur, you should burn an offering to thank the gods for bringing Jason back to us safely."

"Good idea." I take my opportunity. "Go burn your bears, Octavian." 

Reyna looks like she's trying not to smile. "You have my orders. Go." 

The officers disperse. Octavian shoots Percy a look of absolute loathing, then gives Annabeth and I a suspicious once-over and stalks away. 

Percy slips his hand into Annabeth's, and I find myself looking up at the Argo II. Its massive bronze hull glitters in the sunlight beautifully. A part of me wants to grab everyone and run back to the ship now, but another part of me heard the word feast, which sounds like a party. And it's in my demigod blood to like parties. 

"Excellent." Reyna says. She turns back to us, a hungry sort of gleam in her eyes. "Let's talk, and we can have a proper reunion." 

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