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Two minutes is not nearly enough time.

I hope I've given everybody the right gadgets and adequately explained what all the buttons do. Otherwise things could get ugly.

Calli helps me lecture Frank and Percy on Archimedean mechanics. I have a hard time focusing because every time she moves, I look at her again, and I forget everything that's going on. Luckily, she's kept up with my studies on spheres, and she can explain better in layman's terms than I can.

While I try my best to explain, Hazel stares at the stone archway and mutters under her breath.

Nothing seems to change in the big grassy fiield beyond, but I'm sure Hazel has some Mistalicious tricks up her sleeeve. 

I'm just explaining to Frank how to avoid getting decapitated by his own Archimedes sphere when the sound of trumpets echoes through the stadium. Nike's chariot appears on the field, the Nikettes arrayed in front of her with their spears and laurels raised. 

"Begin!" The goddess bellows. 

Percy, Calli, and I sprint through the archway. Immediately, the field shimmers and becomes a maze of brick walls and trenches. We duck behind the nearest wall and run to the left. Back at the archway, Frank yells, "Uh, die, Graceus scum!" A poorly aimed arrow sails over my head. 

"More vicious!" Nike yells. "Kill like you mean it!"

I glance at Calli, trying not to trip over myself. "Ready?"

Calli hefts a bronze grenade. "I hope you labeled these right." Her expression changes to one of anger as she yells, "Die, Romans!" and lobs the grenade over the wall.

Her voice is so angry and convincing, I worry for a second that she's actually trying to kill Frank and Hazel. But a second later, she looks like herself again.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Nike exclaims. 

BOOM! I can't see the explosion, but the smell of buttered popcorn fills the air. 

"Oh, no!" Hazel wails. "Popcorn! Our fatal weakness!"

"Jeez, Cal." Percy says. "Is there some sort of subconscious hatred for Romans or-"

"Theater." Calli says, sounding offended. "Dionysus is the god of theater." 

Frank shoots another arrow over our heads. Percy, Calli, and I scramble to the left, ducking through a maze of walls that seem to shift and turn on their own. I can still see open sky above me, but claustrophobia starts to set in, making it harder for me to breathe. 

"None of that." Calli says firmly, touching my arm. 

I instantly feel better, as if a cool breeze has blown through the tunnels, or I've dunked my head in a bucket of ice water. My thoughts clear, just for a moment, but it's enough to calm me down. 

Somewhere behind us, Nike yells, "Try harder! That popcorn was not fatal!"

From the rumble of her chariot wheels, I guess she's circling the perimeter of the field. Victory is taking a victory lap.

Another grenade explodes over our heads. We dive into a trench as the green starburst of Greek fire singes my hair. Fortunately, Frank aimed high enough so that the blast only looks impressive. 

"Better," Nike calls out, "but where is your aim? Don't you want this circlet of leaves?"

"I wish the river was closer." Percy mutters. "I want to drown her."

"Be patient, water boy." 

"Don't call me water boy." 

Calli points across the field. The walls have shifted, revealing one of the Nikettes about thirty yards away, standing with her back to us. Hazel must be doing her thing, manipulating the maze to isolate our targets. 

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