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My dreams are as disjointed and scary as ever.

I imagine myself on Mount Tamalpais, north of San Francisco, fighting at the old Titan stronghold. That doesn't make sense. I hadn't been with the Romans when they had attacked, but I see it all clearly: a Titan in armor, Annabeth and three other girls fighting at my side. One of the girls dies in the battle. I kneel over her, watching as she dissolves into stars.

Then I see the giant warship in its dry dock. The bronze dragon figurehead glints in the morning light. The riggings and armaments are complete, but something is wrong. A hatch in the deck is open, and smoke pours from some kind of engine. A boy with curly black hair is cursing as he pounds the engine with a wrench. Three other demigods squat next to him, watching with concern. One is a teenage guy with short blond hair. The other is a girl with long dark hair. The third is one of the girls from the dream with the titan. A small girl with olive skin, pale green eyes, and long, wavy hair pulled up into a messy bun. She's super pretty, and she looks so familiar, like I should know her, but I can't put my finger on it.

The second girl frowns. "I don't think that's what wrenches are for, Leo." She has an accent, like English isn't her first language. 

"You realize it's the solstice," the first girl says. "We're supposed to leave today."

"I know that!" The curly-haired mechanic whacks the engine a few more times. "Could be the fizzrockets. Could be the samophlange. Could be Gaea messing with us again. I'm not sure!" He turns to the others. "Can someone grab me a dog-leg reamer?"

"A what?" The guy frowns.

"I'm on it." The second girl frowns to herself and disappears from my line of sight.

"How long?" the blond guy asks.

"Two, three days?"

"Here." The second girl comes back, rolling under the engine with the mechanic to hand him the strange looking tool. 

"Thanks mamacita." 

"They may not have that long." The first girl warns. 

Something tells me that she means Camp Jupiter. Then the scene shifts again.

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