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Something about this robber trapping us and forcing us to do his bidding makes me so incredibly angry. Maybe it's the fact that we can't have a single day without something crazy happening, or maybe it's that we don't have any option but to do as this guys tells us, but I'm really hoping that Hazel and Jason turn this guy into a kebob. 

I'm sitting with the rest of the crew, watching the edge of the cliff expectantly. I'm also angry at the fact that I can't be up there, helping my friends. The guy mentioned me and Piper specifically. Maybe he knows what the turtle dealt with before we came into the strait. Or, with our luck, he knew we were coming, and he's here on Gaea's orders. 

Either way, I'm incredibly annoyed. I made the mistake of assuming we were safe. For the first time since I can remember, I thought we were safe. Of course the feeling gets ripped away immediately. I consider sending everyone belowdecks in case the guy starts firing again, but I get the feeling that it would be pointless. This guy would find a way to get us. We just have to sit and wait for Hazel and Jason. 

I jump to my feet at the sound of two loud, clear bangs.

"What was that?" Piper asks nervously. 

"Gunshots." I tell her, the sound bringing back distant memories, but it is unmistakable. 

"Yep." Frank gulps, looking at a smoking hole between his feet. 

"You can recognize the sound of gunshots?" Leo asks, raising his eyebrow. 

"I grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood in Miami." I explain. "When I was a kid, you heard gunshots, and you hit the deck. One of my neighbors died because a gunshot went through his wall and into his head."

No one says anything. What do you even say to that, anyways?

"What if he shot them?" Piper asks, her voice trembling. 

"There were only two gunshots." I point out. "If he shot one gun into the ship, then the other one would've hit Jason or Hazel. If that happened, the other would attack, and they'd be shot too, and we'd hear that. I'm guessing those were warning shots."

Everyone stares at me, their expressions hard to read. I'm not a fan of being the new resident expert on guns, but I'm too anxious and angry to care. 

Things are silent for a few more moments, then, out of nowhere, I see a figure falling from the cliff, right outside of the strait. 

The turtle jumps out of the water, swallowing the flailing body in one gulp. 

We all jump to our feet again, and a moment later, Jason flies over the edge of the cliff with Hazel. They land safely on the ship, and we rush to hug them. 

"What happened?" I demand, grabbing Hazel's shoulders. "I heard gunshots."

"Why don't we all grab a bite to eat and we'll tell you everything." Jason offers. His usually perfect blond haircut has a dent running down the side. 

I let go of Hazel, who offers me a small smile. "Yeah, okay." I run my hand through my hair, my nerves finally calming.

"Take a breath, mom." Hazel jokes. 

Piper snorts back a laugh. 

"I'm not mom." I cross my arms with a huff.

"Yes, you are." Jason laughs, and Frank joins in. 

Soon, they're all laughing at me. I smile at the sound of the laughter, but the comment leaves an uneasy feeling in my gut. Am I mom? I worry about these people like they're my own kids. I don't like letting them out of my sight. Gods, maybe I am mom. 

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