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Piper's words hang in the air for a moment as we all look at each other. She explains about old Charokee legends, and how the eidolons are probaly still here, simply because no one told them to go away. 

Up on the deck, Hedge is singing something that sounds sort of like "In the Navy" while Blackjack stomps his hooves, whinnying in protest.

I don't know much about possessing or spirits. I'm better at psychological stuff. Spirits? Not my field of expertise. 

Finally, Hazel exhales. "Piper is right." 

"How can you be sure?" Annabeth asks. 

"I've met eidolons." Hazel says. "In the Underworld, when I was... you know." 

Dead. I keep my mouth shut. I know it's a sensitive subject for her. 

"So..." Frank rubs his hand across his buzz-cut hair as if he's trying to rub the ghosts out of it. "You think these things are lurking on the ship, or-"

"Possibly lurking inside some of us." Piper says. "We don't know." 

Jason clenches his fists. "If that's true-"

"We have to take steps." Piper continues. "I think I can do this." 

"Do what?" Percy asks. 

"Just listen, okay?"

Piper takes a deep breath. "Everybody listen." 

She meets our eyes, one at a time. "Eidolons." She says, using her charmspeak. "Raise your hands." 

There's a tense silence. 

Leo laughs nervously. "Did you relaly think that was going to-"

His voice dies. His face goes slack. He raises his hand. 

I have to supress a small scream that threatens to escape my lips. I wave my hand in front of Leo's face, but he doesn't react. He just slowly turns to look at me blankly. 

Jason and Percy do the same. Their eyes have turned glassy and gold. Hazel catches her breath. On Leo's other side, Frank scrambles out of his chair and puts his back against the wall. 

"Oh gods." Annabeth looks at Piper imploringly. "Can you cure them?"

Piper is clearly terrified, but she focuses in on Leo, probaly because he's the least scary looking. "Are there more of you on this ship?"

"No," Leo says in a hollow voice. "The Earth Mother sent three. The strongest, the best. We will live again." 

"Not here, you won't." Piper growls. "All three of you, listen carefully." 

Jason and Percy turn towards her. I can't believe she's holding it together so well. I want to run to my bunk and hide under the blankets. It's already taking everything in me just to stay in my seat. Leo's blank stare gives me chills. He had been in my bunk. I'd almost kissed him. 

"You will leave these bodies." Piper commands. 

"No." Percy says. 

Leo lets out a soft hiss that sends chills down my spine. "We must live." 

Frank fumbles for his bow. "Mars Almighty, that's creepy! Get out of here, spirits! Leave our friends alone!"

Leo turns toward him. "You cannot command us, child of war. Your own life is fragile. Your soul could burn at any moment."

I'm not sure what that means, but Frank staggers like he's been punched in the gut. He draws an arrow, his hands shaking. "I- I've faced down worse things than you. If you want a fight-"

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