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I nearly jump out of my skin as Buford pushes himself into Calli's room, marching around the room. 

Calli jumps so hard that her blanket flies off of us. She looks around in confusion before seeing the holographic satyr. "Oh." She falls back onto the bed, rubbing her eyes. 

"Buford-" I try. 



"Now can we shut him off?" Piper asks from the doorway, looking like she's just woken up, which she probably has. 

"No." Calli stretches her arms, cracking her back. Her hair looks like a lion's mane.  

"YOU WANNA GET BRAINED?" Mini-Hedge turns on Piper. 

"What's with all the yelling?" Percy appears in the doorway, followed by Jason. 

"Come on, guys." Jason sighs. "Again?"

"Again?" Percy asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Keep your panties on, guys." Calli sighs, reaching over me to grab her new glasses. 

"I think it's you who needs to keep her panties on." Jason counters. 

"KEEP YOUR PANTIES ON!" Buford agrees. 

Calli glares at the table. "I forgot I programmed that in there." She mutters. 

I spread my hands. "No lost panties here, sorry to disappoint."

"Oh, my." Hazel blushes as she walks by the door, fanning her face. "Do you guys have to keep talking about panties so loudly? It's early!"

"Panties panties panties!" Calli calls down the hall behind her. 

"Why are you yelling about panties?" Annabeth pokes her head in and laughs. "Oh, so when I do it I get grounded, but when you do it it's okay?"

"We didn't do anything though." Percy counters. 

"Neither did we!" I insist. 

"Calli isn't wearing pants!" Percy argues. 

"I never wear pants when I sleep!" Calli exclaims, her face turning red as she pulls her oversized t-shirt down. Today, it's an olive green t-shirt that reads, "You're my best maté" with a little happy maté cup on it.

"How many of those shirts do you have?" I ask her. 

"You like them?" She flashes me a gorgeous smile. 

"Cheesy puns are my favorite." I grin back. 

"I hate to break up whatever this is." Frank pushes his way through our friends to poke his head in too. "But we've docked at Pylos."

"Alright, the Leo and Calli shame-fest is over, guys." Calli waves her finger in a circle, signaling to wrap it up. "Get dressed and meet in the mess hall in ten."

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