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Once we get there, it isn't a pretty landing. With the oars damaged and the foresail torn, we can barely manage a controlled descent. The others have strapped themselves below, except for Coach Hedge, who insists on clinging to the forward rail, yelling "YEAH! Bring it on, lake!" and Calli, who is helping me with the controls while I try and steer. I stand astern, at the helm, and aim the best I can. 

Festus creaks and whirrs warning signals, which are relayed through an intercom in the quarterdeck. 

"I know, I know." I say, gritting my teeth. Calli, on the other hand, looks completely calm, flipping levers and shaking Wii controllers as if there's no danger at all. 

I don't have much time to take in the scenery. To the southeast, a city is nestled in the foothills of a mountain range, blue and purple in the afternoon shadows. A flat, desert landscape spreads to the south. Directly beneath us the Great Salt Lake glitters like aluminum foil, the shoreline etched with white salt marshes that remind me of aerial photos of Mars. 

"Hang on, Coach!" I shout. "This is going to hurt!"

"I was born for hurt!"

WHOOM! A swell of salt water washes over the bow, dousing Coach Hedge. The Argo II lists dangerously to starboard, then rights itself and rocks on the surface of the lake. Machinery hums as the aerial blades that are still working change to nautical form. 

Three banks of robotic oars dip into the water and begin moving us forward. 

"Good job, Festus." I tell him. "Take us toward the north shore." I turn to Calli. "Thanks, I, uh, I couldn't have done that without your help." I admit. 

She blushes and looks away from me. "Anytime." 

I grin, despite the circumstances we're under. "Did you just blush at me?"

Before she can answer, Coach hops over to us.

"Yeah!" He pumps his fists in the air. He's drenched from horns to hooves, but grinning like a crazy goat. "Do it again!"

"Uh, maybe later." I tell him. "Just stay above deck, okay? You can keep watch, in case, you know, the lake decides to attack us or something." 

"On it." Hedge promises. 

Calli grabs the intercom. "Thank you for flying Air Leo. We hope you enjoyed your trip. The captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, so you are now free to-"

"Calli!" Annabeth's voice yells up angrily from belowdeck. 

Calli laughs to herself and rings the all clear bell. We head towards the stairs, but before we get there, a loud clump-clump-clump shakes the hull. A tan stallion appears on deck with Hazel Levesque on his back. 

"How-?" My question dies in my throat. "We're in the middle of a lake! Can that thing fly?"

The horse whinnies angrily. 

"Wow." Calli grunts. "He's got a mouth on him." 

"Arion can't fly." Hazel says. "But he can run across just about anything. Water, vertical surfaces, small mountains, none of that bothers him." 


Hazel looks at me strangely, the way she had during the feast in the forum, like she's searching for something in my face. I'm tempted to ask if we've met before, but I'm sure we haven't. I'd remember a pretty girl paying such close attention to me. That doesn't happen a lot. 

She's Frank's girlfriend, I remind myself. Besides, I have a pretty good thing going with Calli. Sure, we're just friends, but I think she actually does have feelings for me. She's frowning at the way Hazel is looking at me. She takes a tiny step towards me, almost as if she's jealous. 

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