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Staying busy felt good.

Pollux keeps trying to get me to sit and relax, since I pulled such a massive stunt on the battlefield. I have to admit, I don't remember it. One moment, I'm falling from the sky, the next, I'm in the Apollo cabin, giving everyone in there a panic attack.

Later, Percy explained everything I did. He told me how I destroyed every monster on the field with just a slam of my thyrsus. He even showed me the permanent crack in the earth where it happened, but my memory on it is blank.

So instead, I set to work. That's probably one of the best things I learned from Leo. Want to avoid your feelings? Keep yourself so busy that you can't feel anything.

I help Will Solace with the wounded, running supplies and stitching. I walk with Piper, Annabeth, and Reyna, as they check on repairs. It's nice walking with them. They talk about happy things, which distracts me from the ache in my heart. I spend a lot of time with Dakota, who has forgiven me for the concussion I gave him in Charleston. We discus ideas for Greek/Roman parties and I tell him all about Silenus and winemaking. I even sneak him a few goblets of wine, since all he can summon is Kool-Aid.

I sit in on the council with Reyna, Chiron, and Frank. Chiron asked me to be there, which surprises me considering Percy and Annabeth are at camp too. But I help them figure out the logistics of the inter-camp alliance.

I even manage to apologize to Frank and Hazel, though I'm still angry with them. I do appreciate that they did what they thought was best, and I anknowledge that they were in a difficult situation. Leo asked first, fair and square.

But now, as dawn is breaking, I sit on the steps of my cabin and watch as the Romans break camp. There are no repairs left to do. No monster bits left to clean up. Even my new brother, Dakota, is leaving.

Sure, I'm happy Pollux is alive and okay, but we have less in common. He's more of a lazy Dionysus kid. He wants to spend his days lounging around, drinking his new favorite drink (Kool-Aid), and playing with grapevines.

I used to be like him, but I've changed. I'm antsy to do something. To help with something. To fix something. My hands fidget more than they did before. My mind races with ideas.

Hephaestus is still blessing me, I assume. I don't understand why, seeing as I let his son die a fiery explosive death. Well, I guess blessing me isn't the right word. What had my dad said?

Hephaestus has you under his protection. Whatever that means. As far as I know, all it does is make my heart ache for Leo. I want to help him with all the crazy projects he was coming up with.

I find myself scanning the sky, the campers, looking for him. Looking for his face.

I overheard some campers talking about high school yesterday. I should be going into my senior year. Sure, I'm sixteen, but I'm right at the cutoff. For Houston, anyways.

The thought sends a fresh new wave of grief over me. I wipe the tears away from my face. Everyone keeps treating me like a bomb, primed to explode. I won't give them the satisfaction of being right.

I suddenly remember when I was seven, when Gaea killed my mother.

I want you to remember this feeling, little one. This is how it's going to feel if you try and stop me.

Well, it sure does feel that way. It feels exactly as it did all those years ago, when my mother died for me.

"You're up early." Reyna is walking up the hill towards me. I take a deep breath and force a smile onto my face. It's not that I'm not happy to see her, but I'm just not in a very smiley mood.

"Had to see you guys off." I tell her. "Can't wait to have my strawberry field back."

"Right. Of course." She sits down next to me, looking at the view of the camp. "I have to admit, I'll miss it here."

"You can always come back and visit." I tell her. "Free exchange, and all."

"I will." She nods. "You Greeks, there's something special about you. Sure, you're disorganized and messy, but you're a solid team."

"Thanks." I laugh a little, which feels nice. "I have to admit, I'm going to miss having you guys around."

"Even though we set up camp around your strawberry fields?"

"Even though you set up camp in my strawberry fields."

Reyna smiles, then examines me with that intense stare. "How are you, Calli?"

"I'm fine." I reply automatically. "Things are back to normal. I'm teaching axe-throwing after breakfast, then I'm taking my cabin to the obstacle course-"

"You're not fine." She nods down at my thumb, which I have been picking at without even noticing. I've picked at it so much that I've drawn blood.

"Okay, I'm not fine." I sigh. "I just don't see how I can go back to... to this." I wave my hand at the view in front of us. "Normal life. I was happy before. I was fine, but now all I can think about is the life I had on the Argo II, and all the plans I had with Leo for after-" my voice breaks. "I just... I don't want to go back to what I was."

Reyna nods in understanding. "You've changed."

I scoff. "Yeah, I've noticed."

She sighs and leans back on her elbows. "When I met you, you were more carefree, more willing to let others take charge, and you had more light in your eyes. You have changed, but I'm not sure if it's for the better."

"But I can't go back to that."

"Why not?"

I sigh. "Well, that's the million peso question, isn't it? It just feels like such an imposssible task. I actually miss the Argo II. I miss being on the move. The danger. The new sights, new experiences. I spent eight years of my life here, doing the same things all the time. Now I'm back."

Reyna shrugs. "You could always come to Camp Jupiter."

I smile at the thought. "Maybe. I hadn't considered it, really. Camp Half-Blood is my home. Besides, Pollux hated being head counselor. Too much work for him."

"Well, the offer stands." Reyna stands up, offering me a hand up. "Life moves on, Calli. Don't let it leave you behind. Leo wouldn't want that for you."

"Wise words." I nod, though they really stick with me.

"You coming to say goodbye?"

"Right behind you."

After a surprisingly emotional goodbye from Dakota, Hazel, and Frank, I make my way towards the breakfast hall to start my day.

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