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The stairs spiral downward about sixty feet before opening into a chamber as large as Bunker Nine, which is to say, ginormous.

The polished white tiles on the walls and floor reflect the light of Jason's sword so well that Leo doesn't need to make a fire. Rows of long oblong stone benches fill the entire chamber, reminding me of a megachurch. At the far end of the room, where the altar would be, stands a ten-foot statue of pure white alabaster. It's a woman in a white robe, a serene smile on her face. In one hand, she raises a cup, while a golden serpent coils around her arm, its head poised over the brim as if ready to drink.

"Large and dangerous." Jason guesses.

Piper scans the room. "This must have been the sleeping area." Her voice echoes a little too loudly for my comfort. "The patients stayed here overnight. The god Asclepius was supposed to send them a dream, telling them what cure to ask for."

"How do you know that?" Leo asks. "Annabeth told you?"

Piper looks offended. "I know stuff. That statue over there is Hygeia, the daughter of Asclepius. She's the goddess of good health. That's where we get the word hygiene."

I furrow my brow. "Not to hate on good hygiene. I'm a huge fan and all, but when there's gods who can throw lightning and control the seas, being a goddess of showers must suck. Also, what's with the snake and the cup?"

"Uh, not sure." Piper admits. "But back in the day, this place, the Asclepion, was a medical school as well as a hospital. All the best doctor-priests trained here. They would've worshipped both Asclepius and Hygeia."

I want to say, Okay, good tour. Let's leave.

The silence, the gleaming white tiles, the creepy smile on Hygeia's face... it all makes me want to crawl out of my skin. But Jason and Piper head down the center aisle toward the statue, so I figure I should follow. 

Strewn across the benches are old magazines: Highlights for Children, Autumn, 20 B.C.E; Hephaestus-TV Weekly-Aphrodite's Latest Baby Bump; A: The Magazine of Asclepius-Ten Simple Tips to Get the Most out of Your Leeching!

"It's a reception area." Leo mutters. "I hate reception areas."

Here and there, piles of dust and scattered bones lay on the floor. 

"That's not encouraging." I note. "Must be a long wait time."

"Check it out." Jason points. "Were those signs here when we walked in? And that door?"

I don't think so. On the wall to the right of the statue, above a closed metal door, are two electronic sign boards. The top one reads:


The sign below reads:


Jason squints. "I can't read it that far away. The doctor is..."

"Incarcerated." Leo reads. "Apollo warned me that Asclepius was being held under guard. Zeus didn't want him sharing his medical secrets or something."

"Twenty bucks and a box of Froot Loops that statue is the guardian." I offer.

"I'm not taking that bet." Leo glances at the nearest pile of waiting room dust. "Well... I guess we take a number."

The giant statue has other ideas. 

When we get within five feet, she turns her head and looks at us. Her expression remains frozen. Her mouth doesn't move. But a voice issues from somewhere above, echoing through the room. 

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