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I don't remember much about the rest of the night after we teleport back to camp. I'm so happy and relieved to be home, I don't really mind telling our story and answering the millions of questions from the other campers.

Finally, Chiron sees how tired we all are, and orders us to bed.

"Except you, Callida." He stops me.

I grimace and freeze, slowly turning to face him. Leo hangs back, watching warily.

Chiron crosses his arms and approaches me. "You left camp without a word."

"My dad told me to." I wince. "He said not to tell anyone, and to leave right then." I know it sounds lame, and possibly made up, but I hope Chiron goes easy on me. I did help on the quest. I was supposed to be there.

Chiron strokes his beard. "I suppose you cannot ignore a godly command, especially from your father." He glances around. "However, I must set an example. You're going to pick up some extra work around camp, sub-in for some instructors."

I nod my head enthusiastically, even though that's the last thing I want to do. "Of course. Sorry, Chiron."

Pollux approaches carefully behind Chiron. "Um, sorry, hey, Calli."

I can't help but smile. "Hey bro."

He grins at me too. "I missed you. This head counselor stuff sucks."

Chiron nods his head at me. "Run off to bed, Callida. I'll see you in the morning."

I give Chiron a thankful smile. He could have stuck me with a way worse punishment, like cleaning the pegasus stables or cleaning the mess hall with a toothbrush, both of which suck. I know from experience. "Goodnight, Chiron."

He smiles warmly at me. "Should you see your father, tell him I miss playing pinochle with him."

"Will do."

I turn to walk to my cabin, and see Leo is still waiting.

"Thought I'd walk you home." He grins. "It's too dark out for a lady to walk home alone."

"A lady?" I scoff.

"C'mon. Let me have this one." He pleads.

I roll my eyes but smile. "Fine."

The exhaustion from the past few days is hitting hard. I feel like my bunk is pulling me like a magnet across the camp. I cannot wait to sleep on an actual mattress.

"You look happy." Leo notes. "I know I'm good company, but wow, you're like, really smiling."

"I'm home, Leo." I realize he's right. I can't stop grinning. "It's always good to be home."

"Yeah," He frowns. "Funny, I feel like I'm home too, and I was only here for one night."

"This place is literally built for people like you." I tell him pointedly. "It's your home too."

"Huh," He's quiet for a few moments. "I guess you're right."

"Of course I am." I agree. "I'm always right."

"So, what now?" He asks. "Just... back to normal camp stuff? What is normal camp stuff? Can I finally get a sword?"

"Yep!" I try not to laugh at the image of Leo with a sword. "Tomorrow, I go back to being head counselor, you'll join the Hephaestus cabin in their daily activities, Piper will be with the Aphrodite cabin, and Jason, well, he's his own cabin."

Leo nods thoughtfully. "Hey, look." He stops me. "Tomorrow, I'm going to show Chiron and my cabin this bunker I found in the woods, where I found the wings for Festus, and a bunch of other designs and Hephaestus stuff."

"A bunker?" I frown.

"It can only be opened by a fire user." He explains. "And there hasn't been one for a while. So... it's really old, and full of old stuff. I don't think anyone knows about it." He shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably. "I'd really appreciate it if you could be there. I'm... I'm a little nervous."

I smile softly at him. "Of course I'll be there, Leo." I squeeze his arm affectionately.

I can't help but think about what Hera said about my dad's warning. He tells me one thing, and she tells me the opposite. I don't know what to do, but I don't have to figure anything out right now. Leo and I are friends. Despite the fact that I thought he was scrawny and kind of annoying, and honestly not my type at all, I like him a lot. He's handsome to me for some reason. And so sweet, and funny. But I can't help but worry that my dad's warning has something to do with Leo. Don't get close to your questmates? Or don't get close to Leo?

I'm too tired to think about it further. "Come on, let's go to bed." I yawn and wrap my arm around Leo's shoulders, guiding him towards the cabins.

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