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If the giant ran away screaming at the sight of Hecate, I would've been grateful. We all could have taken the rest of the day off. I've already taken care of Pasiphae. I'm tired of fighting. Just once, the easy way out would be so nice. 

Clytius disappoints me. 

When he sees the goddess's torches blazing, the giant sems to recover his wits. He stomps his foot, shaking the floor and almost stepping on Annabeth's arm. Dark smoke billows around him until Annabeth and Percy are totally hidden. I can see nothing but the giant's gleaming eyes. 

"Bold words." Clytius speaks from Leo's mouth. "You forget, goddess. When we last met, you had the help of Hercules and Dionysus, the most powerful heroes in the world, both of them destined to become gods. Now you bring...these?"

Leo's unconscious body contorts in pain. 

"Stop it!" I yell. 

I don't plan what happens next. I simply know I have to protect my friends. I imagine them behind me, the same way I imagined new tunnels appearing in Pasiphae's Labyrinth. Leo dissolves. He reappears at my feet, along with Percy and Annabeth. The Mist whirls around me, spilling over the stones and enveloping my friends. Where the white Mist meets the dark smoke of Clytius, it steams and sizzles, like lava rolling into the sea. 

Leo opens his eyes and gasps. "Wh-what...?"

Annabeth and Percy remain motionless, but I can sense their heartbeats getting stronger, their breath coming more evenly. 

On Hecate's shoulder, Gale the polecat barks with admiration. 

The goddess steps forward, her dark eyes glittering in the torchlight. "You're right, Clytius. Hazel Levesque is not Hercules or Dionysus, but I think you will find her just as formidable."

Through the smoky shroud, I see the giant open his mouth. No words come out. Clytius sneers in frustration. 

Leo tries to sit up. "What's going on? What can I-"

"Watch Percy and Annabeth." I draw my spartha. "Stay behind me. Stay in the Mist."


The look I give him must be more severe than I realize. 

Leo gulps. "Yeah, got it. White Mist good. Black smoke bad."

I advance. The giant spreads his arms. The domed ceiling shakes, and the giant's voice echos through the room, magnified a hundred times. 

Formidable? The giant demands. It sounds as if he's speaking through a chorus of the dead, using all the unfortunate souls who's been buried here behind the dome's stele. Because the girl has learned your magic tricks, Hecate? Because you allow these weaklings to hide in your Mist?

A sword appears in the giant's hand, a Stygian iron blade much like Nico's except five times the size. I do not understand why Gaea would find any of these demigods worthy of sacrifice. I will crush them like empty nutshells.

My fear turns to rage. I scream. The walls of the chambered make a crackling sound like ice in warm water, and dozens of gems streak toward the giant, punching through his armor like buckshot. 

Clytius staggers backward. His disembodied voice bellows with pain. His iron breastplate is peppered with holes. 

Golden ichor trickles from a wound on his right arm. His shroud of darkness thins. I can see the murderous expression on his face. 

You, Clytius growls. You worthless-

"Worthless?" Hecate asks quietly. "I'd say Hazel Levesque knows a few tricks even I could not teach her."

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