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My body somehow automatically adjusts back to camp time. I wake up at 7:30, ready to go. I'm always up first. I take a shower, which feels so good I could cry. I scrub every inch of my body. When I get out, I see my back is still bruised from Mount Diablo. My burn from the lightning strike is healed completely now though, thanks to Phoebe the Hunter. It looks like a miniature red lightning strike starting at my shoulder and travelling down my arm. Another scar to add to the collection, I guess. I do my usual routine. Lotion, a little makeup, brush my teeth, put in the products I have for wavy hair, deodorant, and a little perfume. 

When I come out of the bathroom, I'm startled to see my dad sitting on my bunk. 

He puts his finger to my lips, signalling me to be quiet, then pats the bunk for me to sit. 

"What are you doing here?" I whisper. 

"You take so long in the bathroom." He whines. "I came to congratulate you. You did well, rescuing Hera. I wanted to give you a little gift, as a token of my gratitude." A  large box materializes in his hand, wrapped in a shiny, wine-colored paper. 

I take the box gingerly and remove the lid. Inside is a pair of leoparrd-print converse high-tops.

"Oh wow." I gasp. "They're awesome." 

"I know it's not much, but I know you don't go shopping for clothes too often, and they're special made. Can't get a pair like those anywhere else."

"Dad, you didn't have to-"

"I've never had a daughter be a hero before." He shrugs. "You're bringing honor to my name."

I try not to cry in gratitude. I know my dad doesn't do well with emotions like that. But the last time someone gave me a gift was before I came to camp. Back when I lived with my mom in our tiny apartment and couldn't afford real, nice gifts. 

Dionysus stretches and stands. "I've got to go. Zeus will have a riot if he finds out I'm talking to you again." 

"Thanks, dad." I smile. 

He gives me one last warm smile before disappearing in purple flames. 

"Calli?" Pollux asks, rubbing his eyes. "Who are you talking to?"

"Uh, no one." I stand. "Get everyone up for breakfast for me?"

He grumbles but nods. "Sure thing. Where are you off to?"

"I just want to get settled in and see what Chiron has for me to do today." 

He nods again, yawning. "See you at breakfast."

I take another look at my cabin. The whole thing has an intoxicating feel the second you step in through the threshold. The walls are a deep purple color, and plants grow in hanging pots by all the windows, which all allow sunlight to flow in freely. The floor is black and white checkerboard tile, but we all have small rugs and carpets around our spaces to protect our feet from the cold. Since there's not a crazy amount of Dionysus children, we all have our own rooms, in a way. Golden dividers with Japanese paper panels separate all of our bunks, which each have a window above them, a chest, and drawers. My bunk is the last one, and since I'm the head counselor, it's also the biggest. I have a desk set up, which is covered in books I need to return to Chiron's library. I have the corner, so there's a two windows in my space. If you look at the whole building as a whole, it has a regal, imperial palace feel. It's a struggle to keep it clean. I'm the only daughter, all of my siblings are boys. I'm constantly fighting with them to pick up their messes, or at least keep them confined to their own bunks. But I don't mind. It's my brothers. 

I walk out of the cabin and breathe in the sweet, familiar smell of strawberries. The sunshine is warm on my face, and the sounds of campers waking and starting their days brings a smile to my face. I know the journey to come is going to be difficult, but just for right now, everything feels okay. I'm heading to the Big House to get my substituting schedule from Chiron. 

Campers greet me as I walk by, making me feel so good. I feel so good, so at home, I smile at everyone I walk by. I cheerily step up the stairs of the Big House. 

Chiron is opening the door just as I go to knock. "You look better." He notes. "Here for your schedule?"

"Yes, sir!" I smile. I've never been happier to receive work to do. 

He chuckles and hands me a sheet of paper. It's pretty full, but not as bad as I was expecting. He's going easy on me. 

"Thanks, Chiron." 

He gives me a wink. "Let's get breakfast."

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