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I don't like the idea of leaving Hazel and Leo alone together, especially since I haven't had the opportunity to talk to Leo about my feelings yet. It sounds ridiculous, but I don't like the way that he and Hazel look at each other. Sure, I know he likes me, but would he change his mind if Hazel decided to leave Frank?

I decide to push the thought out of my mind. I need to worry about my friends right now. Jason and Percy are a mess. Summoning that storm has drained every ounce of energy they have, and they are not doing good at all. 

"I don't exactly know what you want me to do." I tell Annabeth as Frank lays the guys down in the sickbay. 

"Can you make the world stop spinning?" Percy asks, his tone pleading. 

"Can you at least make it spin slower?" Jason begs. 

"Oh, poor boys." I give my best puppy dog eyes. "You need my bwain powews to make you feew bettew?"

"Calli." Annabeth shakes her head, signaling for me to stop. "Can you do that?"

I shrug. "I can try, but the only thing that's going to really help is rest and maybe some nectar." 

"I can get nectar." Piper jumps to her feet and runs to the cabinet. 

I sit on a stool between them and grab each of their hands. I concentrate, and the boys sigh. 

"Better." Percy smiles. 

"Yep." Jason agrees. 

"Cool." I let go of their hands and stand to go back above deck, but they groan as soon as I move. 

"Come back." 

"No, don't leave."

"Gods." I mutter. "Big babies." I sit back down and hold their hands. "I hope you know I'm going to get a solid week of making fun of you guys for begging me to hold your hands."

"Deal." Percy sighs in relief as his head stops spinning. 

I'm exhausted. I'd never tell Annabeth, but I'm the only reason she didn't fall into a complete panic in the room with the spiders. I had done my best to emanate calm, to try and keep her together. I know how scared she and her siblings are of spiders. More than enough times, they called me over to kill a spider in their cabin for them. I know spiders hate children of Athena, but it's ridiculous how many find their way into that cabin. 

Anyway, I kept her calm then, and during our talk with Reyna. I kept both of them calm, despite the fact that I was completely panicking. I was ready to fight Reyna so that Annabeth could escape, though I know how that would've turned out. Then she said that stuff about camp, and I almost lost it completely. 

After that, I had to keep Leo together while he flew the ship. I could feel his fear, his panic. I did everything in my power to keep him calm so that he could think clearly and keep the ship together. I was at it for two hours, while simultaneously flipping safety switches and mopping up any little thing Leo forgot to do. Now, I'm in the sickbay, using more of my powers to keep the two big scary boys from feeling dizzy. I feel ridiculous, and very tired. 

"Piper." I nod my head to her. "Could you hit me with some nectar?" I speak quietly, as the boys have both fallen asleep. "I would, but-" I nod my head to each of my hands, which are gripped tightly by Jason and Percy. 

Piper looks like she wants to laugh, but she does as I ask. Frank scoffs from the seat in the corner. He and I lock eyes, and for once, I feel some sort of connection to Frank. Sure, we're both demigods on this terrifying quest, and I'd do anything for him, but I've felt pretty distant from him. Now, I think we're feeling the same exact thing. 

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