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Leo docked the ship at a pier in Charleston Harbor, right next to the seawall. Along the shore is a historical district with tall mansions, palm trees, and wrought iron fences. Antique cannons point at the water. 

By the time I come up on deck, Jason, Frank, and Leo have already left for the museum. According to Coach Hedge, they promised to be back by sunset. Piper and Hazel are ready to go, but I don't see Calli anywhere yet. 

I turn to Percy, who is leaning on the starboard rail, gazing over the bay. I take his hand. "What are you going to do while we're gone?"

"Jump into the harbor." He says casually, like amother kid might say, I'm going to get a snack. "I want to try and communicate with the local Nereids. Maybe they can give me some advice about how to free those captives in Atlanta. Besides, I think the sea might be good for me. Being in that aquarium made me feel... unclean." 

I kiss him. "Good luck, seaweed brain. Just come back to me, okay?"

"I will." He promises. "You do the same." 

Calli comes bounding up above deck. She looks stunning, as usual. She's wearing a black cut-off tank top with black khaki pants and some army boots, like she's ready to stomp faces in in the most fashionable way possible. Her makeup is done lightly, like usual, with red lipstick and dark lashes that make her eyes look incredibly bright. Her brown wavy hair is loose around her shoulders, hanging down to her waist. "Where's Leo?"

"He left already." I tell her. "They said they'd be back by sunset."

She frowns. "He didn't- I mean, they didn't say bye." 

"Still haven't talked to him, huh?" I raise my eyebrow at her. 

"Talked to him about what?" Percy asks. 

"Nothing." Calli says quickly. "And no, Annabeth, I haven't. It's hard to find a good time when we're all cramped together on a ship." She tries to hide her bummed expression. "Well, let's get cracking! We have to find the map before they do, and they have a head start!"

"Why do we have to find it first?" Hazel asks. 

"Because boys drool and girls rule." Calli replies, very seriously. "Sorry Percy." 

"Nah, it's cool." Percy grins. "You're not wrong."

I turn to Piper and Hazel. "Okay, ladies. Let's find the ghost of the Battery."

I don't mind hanging out with Hazel, Piper, and Calli. At first, we have a pretty good time walking along the Battery. I'd consider Calli my best friend, no doubt about it, and I'm pretty close with Piper too. Hazel seems really sweet too. 

According to the signs, the seaside park is called White Point Gardens. The ocean breeze sweeps away the muggy heat of the summer afternoon, and it's pleasantly cool under the shade of the palmetto trees. Lining the road are old Civil War cannons and bronze statues of historical figures, which make me shudder. I think about the statues in New York City during the Titan War, which had come to life thanks to Daedalus's command sequence twenty-three. I wonder how many other statues around the country are secretly automatons, waiting to be triggered. Calli seems to be thinking the same thing, as she seems to examine them closely as we walk by. I wonder if she can tell or not, having spent so much time around Leo, but I don't ask. I don't really want to know. 

Charleston Harbor glitters in the sun. To the north and south, strips of land stretch out like arms enclosing the bay, and sitting in the mouth of the harbor, about a mile out, is an island with a stone fort. I have a vague memory of that fort being important during the Civil War, but I don't spend much time thinking about it. 

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