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It takes a few minutes for my words to settle in. Then the Hephaestus campers start asking questions all at once. Who are the other four demigods? How long would it take to build the boat? Why doesn't everyone get to go to Greece?

I try and keep my calm, collected exterior, but inside I'm panicking. I know that Greece is a million times more dangerous than here. And there's a million times as many monsters. 

"Heroes!" Chiron strikes his hoof on the floor. "All the details are not clear yet, but Leo is correct. He will need your help to build the Argo II. It is perhaps the greatest project Cabin Nine has even undertaken, even greater than the bronze dragon." 

"It'll take a year at least." Nyssa guesses. "Do we have that much time?"

"You have six months at most." Chiron says. "You should sail by summer solstice, when the gods' power is strongest. Besides, we evidently cannot trust the wind gods, and the summer winds are the least powerful and easiest to navigate. You dare not sail any later, or you may be too late to stop the giants. You must avoid ground travel, using only air and sea, so this vehicle is perfect. Jason being the son of the sky god..." 

His voice trails off, but I know what he wanted to say next. Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon. He'd be good for our voyage too. My heart aches. I miss my friend. 

Jake Mason turns to Leo. "Well, one thing's for sure. You are now senior counselor. This is the biggest honor the cabin has ever had. Anyone object?"

Nobody does. All of Leo's cabinmates smile at him. I can't help but grin at him too. My heart swells for him, actually. I'm so happy for him I could cry. 

"It's official then." Jake smiles. "You're the man."

Leo is speechless, which I assume doesn't happen often. He finally has a family ands a home. 

"Well," He says at last, "if you guys elect me leader, you must be crazier than I am." He looks to me and grins. I hope he can't see that my eyes are watery. "So let's build a spankin' hot war machine!"

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