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I didn't realize how stressed I was until I passed out. When I wake up, I'm lying in a cot near the engine. The entire Hephaestus cabin is here. They've gotten the engine levels stabilized and are expressing their amazement at my genius. Calli is by my side, looking very worried. "Dude, you passed out."

"I know." I reply, sitting up.

Jason and Piper pull me aside and promise that no one knows how close the ship had come to exploding.

Still, I can't stop trembling. I'd almost ruined everything. To calm myself down, I pull out the Lemon Pledge and carefully polish Buford. Then, I take the spare syncopator and lock it in a supply cabinet that does not have legs. Just in case.

An hour later, Chiron and Argus arrive from the Big House to take care of the Maenads.

Chiron looks more annoyed than concerned. He stares down at the Maenads. "Oh, them again. Hello, Babette."

"We will destroy you!" Babette shrieks. "We will dance with you, feed you yummy appetizers, party with you until the wee hours, and rip you to pieces!"

"Uh huh." Chiron looks unimpressed. He turns to Calli and I. "Well done. The last time these girls came looking for Dionysus, they caused quite a nuisance. You caught them before they could get out of hand. Dionysus will be pleased they've been captured."

"So they do annoy him?" Calli asks beside me.

"Absolutely." Chiron agrees. "Mr. D despises his fan club almost as much as he despises demigods."

"We are not a fan club!" Babette wails. "We are his followers, his chosen, his special ones!"

"Uh huh." Chiron says again.

"So..." Piper shifts uneasily. "Dionysus wouldn't have minded if we had to destroy them?"

"Oh, no, he would mind!" Chiron exclaims. "They're still his followers, even if he hates them. If you hurt them, Dionysus would be forced to drive you insane or kill you. Probably both. So well done." He looks to Argus. "Same plan as last time?"

Argus nods. He gestures to one of the Hephaestus campers, who drives a forklift over and loads up the cage.

"What will you do with them?" Jason asks.

Chiron smiles kindly. "We'll send them to a place where they feel at home. We'll load them on a bus to Atlantic City."

"Ouch." I say. "Doesn't that place have enough problems?"

"Not to worry." Chiron promises. "The Maenads will get the partying out of their systems very quickly. They'll wear themselves out and fade away until next year. They always seem to show up around the holidays. Quite annoying."

The Maenads are carted off, Chiron and Argus head back to the Big House, and my campers help me lock up Bunker Nine for the night. Calli waits for me, grinning.

Usually, I'd work into the late hours with her, but I've had enough for the day. Besides, it's Christmas Eve. I deserve a break.

Camp Half-Blood doesn't really celebrate mortal holidays, but everyone is in a good mood around the campfire. Some kids are drinking eggnog, but Piper, Jason, Calli and I pass on that. We drink hot chocolate instead.

We listen to sing-alongs and watch sparks from the fire curl up into the stars.

"You saved my hide again, guys." I tell them. "Thank you."

Jason smiles. "Anything for you, Valdez. You sure the Argo II will be safe now?"

"Safe? No. But she's not in danger of exploding. Probably."

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