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I'm definitely no expert on ghosts, but the dead legionnaires that Nico summons must all be demigods, because they are totally ADHD. They claw their way out of the pit, then mill about aimlessly, chest-bumping each other for no reason, pushing one another back into the chasm, shooting arrows into the air, as if trying to kill flies, and occasionally out of sheer luck, throwing a javelin, a sword, or an ally in the direction of the enemy.

I try not to think about the cave-in in our escape tunnel. I have to believe that Leo and Hazel are safe on the other side. I can't afford to freak out about it right now. What keeps me hopeful is Nico, who doesn't look like his sister just died. He seems alright. 

Meanwhile, the army of monsters gets thicker and angrier. Earthborn throw volleys of stones that plow into the zombie legionnaires, crushing them like paper. Empousai gnash their fangs and shout orders at the other monsters. A dozen Cyclopes advance on the crumbling bridges, while seal-shaped humanoids, telkhines, lob vials of Greek fire across the chasm. There are even some wild centaurs in the mix, shooting flaming arrows and trampling their smaller allies under hoof. In fact, most of the enemy seems to be armed with some sort of fiery weapon, which is super uncool. I'm just grateful for the group of Earthborn surrounding me, which I manage to keep a respectful distance away. Their large bodies are hiding me from the eyes of the rest of the monster army. 

My friends on the other side of the cavern try their best to take out monsters between the legionnaires. I watch as Frank fires his last arrow. A moment later, an enemy arrow sinks into his arm. He looks shocked for a moment, but instead of panicking, he just picks up a sword and keeps pushing. 

The Earthborn get tired of playing games, and start pushing in on me harder. I'm forced to attack, dissolving my shield and revealing me to the monsters on this side of the cavern. I draw my knife in my other hand as monsters begin to push towards me. Luckily, I'm on a thinner section of flooring, with a wall to my left and cavern behind me and to my right. The monsters have no choice but to attack me from the front, and only so many can fit across the narrower section of floor. I swing and thrust and parry and duck and jump, my years of training kicking in as I move instinctively, without having to think. 

I'm vaguely aware of Nico yelling commands to the ghosts, and Jason yelling in Latin. 

Only a true officer of Rome can control the dead army, but they don't seem to want to listen to Jason. I make the mistake of glancing over at them, and my heart drops. Jason's forehead is beaded with sweat, Nico looks... well, like Nico, but even more tired. Frank's shirt is soaked in blood. Piper is holding her own, but she's only had a week or two of sword training. One slip up and she'll be a goner. 

I'm distracted, and a Cyclopes uses that moment to whack me with the butt of his hammer. The air gets knocked out of my lungs, and I hit the floor on my back with a solid thunk!

I blink spots out of my eyes, and try to hone in on the monster's eye. As soon as I do, I feel a familiar burning sensation, and the Cyclops howls incredibly loudly. He claws at his eye, tumbling into the pit. A new wave of energy surges through me as I pull myself up, raising my weapons steadily. My thyrsus in my right hand, my dagger in my left. Waves of panic begin to fall through the crowd of monsters closest to me, but it doesn't stop them from continuing to charge. They have no choice. The monsters pouring into the room don't seem to stop. They keep coming, ready to overwhelm us with sheer numbers. For every one I send back to Tartarus, three more appear from the halls. 

"Cohorts! Lock shields!" I hear Frank yell in a commanding voice. 

A few of the zombies stir. They line up in front of my friends, and the ones on my side line up in front of me, putting their shields together in a ragged defensive formation. But they're moving too slowly, like sleepwalkers, and only a few have responded to his voice. 

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