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Abhi and Anaira stood in front of each other, feeling awkward and guilty. After talk with Manjari both understood each other situation , and both of them realized they were wrong. Abhi was the first to break the silence.

Abhi- "Anaira, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. You were not aware that Abhir didn't informed me , and I was being rude and selfish."

Anaira smiled softly and shook her head.

Anaira- "No, Abhi, I'm sorry too. I should've understood your situation you were just worried for Abhir. I know you are under a lot of pressure and fear of loosing him, and I was being really mean to you."

They looked into each other's eyes and felt a surge of warmth and affection. They reached out their hands and hold there ears together, as a sign of being apologetic . They were about to say something more, when they heard a cheerful voice behind them.

Abhir- "Papa, Anaira aunty!"

Abhir was watching there apology session from his home door at was happy that his Papa has apologized to his Anaira Aunty.  He ran towards them and hugged them both.

Abhir- "I'm so happy to see you both!"

Abhi and Anaira smiled and hugged him back. They felt a pang of guilt for having fought in front of him earlier. Abhi decided to make amends.

Abhi- "Abhir, I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday morning. I was scared not finding you around and with no information about your whereabouts, and I took it out on you. That was not fair. You are a good boy, and I love you very much."

He said, kissing his son's forehead.

Abhir looked at his father with admiration and love.

Abhir- "It's okay, Papa. I know your were worried for me and I understand that also i want ask forgiveness as well as I didn't informed you about me going at aunty place, but I promise from next time I will."

He said, hugging him tighter.

Abhi turned to Anaira and said,

Abhi- "And I'm sorry for being rude to Anaira aunty. She is a very nice and kind person, and she has been helping me a lot. You like her, don't you?"

Abhir nodded enthusiastically and said,

Abhir-"Yes, Papa. I like Anaira aunty very much. She is fun and smart and pretty. She plays with me and teaches me new things. She is like a friend to me.

Abhi- " And what about Papa Junior"

Abhir- " Papa, I don't like him much"

Abhi- "Achaa bacho mujhse smartness. You are pulling my leg. Wait."

Saying this he starts to ticle Abhir.

Abhir giggled and said, "Papa stop, Anaira aunty help me"

Anaira who was laughing till now cane to abhir rescue and took him in her arms. But Abhi was still tickling abhir feet.

They continued their tickling session for a few minutes, until they were all out of breath and exhausted. They collapsed on the sofa, smiling. They didn't notice that someone was watching them from the window.

It was Manjari, who was witnessing everything from the window.  She had seen the whole scene and felt a surge of joy and hope. She had been worried about her Abhi ever since  Akshu, had died in a car accident six years ago. He had become depressed and withdrawn, focusing only on his work and his son.

But now, Manjari saw a change in him. She saw him smiling and laughing with Anaira. She saw him being affectionate and playful with his son, who adored Anaira as well. She saw a potential for a new family, a new happiness, a new life.

Manjari decided to act on her intuition. She wanted to see Abhi and Anaira as a couple, and she was ready to do anything to make it happen. She left the window and went back to her room, where she started to think of ideas to bring them closer.

After few hours,

She thought of inviting Anaira for dinner to get to know her properly. She was so engrossed in her plans that she didn't hear the doorbell ringing. She was startled when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw a girl standing outside. She was wearing a casual dress and carrying a backpack. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She looked friendly and cheerful.

"Hello, aunty. I'm Aliya, Anaira's friend. I came to visit her, but she is not at home. Do you know where she is?" She asked politely.

Manjari felt a surge of curiosity and opportunity. She saw a chance to learn more about Anaira, and maybe find out some secrets that could help her in her mission. She decided to invite Aliya in and chat with her.

Manjari- "Hello, beta. I'm Manjari, Abhi's mother. Anaira is not at home right now. She is with her works probably busy,  They are having some fun on work."

Aaliya- "You are from Birla family right"

Manjari- "Yes"

Aliya smiled back and said, -"Oh, that's nice. Anaira told me about them. They seem like a lovely family."

Manjari nodded and said-  "Yes, they are. And Anaira is a lovely girl too. She has been very helpful and friendly to us. We are lucky to have her as our neighbor."

Aliya agreed and said, "Yes, Anaira is a wonderful person. She is kind, smart, generous, and brave. She has been through a lot, but she never gives up. She is like a sister to me."

Manjari felt a pang of sympathy and interest. She wondered what Anaira had been through, and what made her so brave. She decided to probe further.

Manjari- "Really? What has she been through, beta? If you don't mind me asking."

She said, pretending to be casual.

Aliya hesitated for a moment, then said,

Aaliya- "Well, aunty, Anaira lost her memory few years before she don't even know anything about her family. Sometime she get dream of a man she is unable to identify him ."

Manjari was shocked and amazed by Aliya's story. She felt sorry for Anaira, but also admired her courage and resilience. She also felt a spark of excitement and intrigue. She wondered if Anaira's past had something to do with Abhi, or if she could use it to bring them closer. She decided to keep talking to Aliya, and find out more. She invited her to sit down and have some tea, and continued the conversation.

Manjari- "So, beta, how did you meet Anaira? And how long have you been friends?" She asked.

Aliya smiled and said, "We met in after accident, six years ago. We were like her best friends, and we hit it off right away. We have been best friends ever since. We share everything, and we support each other. She is like a family to me."

Manjari nodded and said,

Manjari--  "That's wonderful, beta. You are lucky to have such a friend. And what about you? What do you do? And where do you live?"

Aliya said, "I'm a a product manager in XYZ company'. Since I am going to marry soon i came here to look for anaira for dance practice but she is not here. She told me soo much about Abhir is she close to him."

Manjari smiled and said,

Manjari- "Yes, beta. They are having a lot of fun together. They are very god friend  you know. They spend a lot of time together, and they care for each other. They are like a family too."

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