Bonding Time

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Abhir: (sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV) I'm bored. There's nothing good on TV.

Manjari: (sitting at the table, knitting) Why don't you read a book or play with your toys?

Abhir: I already did that. I want to do something else.

Manjari: Well, what do you want to do?

Abhir: I don't know. I wish Papa was here. He always knows what to do.

Manjari: I know, beta. I miss him, too. But he'll be back soon. He's doing something very important at the seminar.

Abhir: What is he doing?

Manjari: He's learning new things and sharing his ideas with other people. He's very smart and talented.

Abhir: Like me?

Manjari: Yes, like you. You're his son, after all.

Abhir: (smiles) Thanks, Dadi.

Manjari: (smiles) You're welcome, Abhir.

Abhir: (gets up from the couch and walks towards the door) I'm going to my room.

Manjari: Okay, beta. But don't make too much noise.

Abhir: Okay, Dadi.

As Abhir passes by the window, he sees Anaira outside. He runs to the door and opens it.

Abhir: (shouts) Anaira Aunty! Anaira Aunty! Come here!

Anaira: (turns and sees him. She smiles and waves. She walks towards him.) Hi, Abhir! How are you?

Abhir: I'm bored. Can you come and play with me?

Anaira: Sure, I can. But first, let me say hello to your grandmother.

Abhir: Okay.

A hir grabs her hand and pulls her inside. He leads her to the kitchen, where Manjari is sitting.

Anaira: (bows her head) Namaste, Manjari Aunty.

Manjari: (smiles) Namaste, Anaira. How are you?

Anaira: I'm fine, thank you. And you?

Manjari: I'm fine, too. Just a little bored, like Abhir.

Anaira: Abhi is gone for a seminar, right?

Manjari: Yes, he is. He'll be back in a few hours.

Anaira: I'm sure he misses you both a lot.

Manjari: We miss him, too.

Abhir: (tugs at Anaira's hand) Can Anaira come and play with me, please?

Manjari: Of course, she can. Go ahead, have fun.

Anaira: Thank you, Manjari Aunty. We'll be in Abhir's room.

Manjari: Okay, dear. But don't make too much noise.

Anaira: We won't.

Anaira follows Abhir to his room.

Abhir: (shows Anaira his room) This is my car, this is my robot, this is my dinosaur, this is my ball...

Anaira: Wow, you have so many toys Abhir. They're all very nice.

Abhir: Thank you. Do you want to play catch with me?

Anaira: Sure, I do.

Abhir and Anaira start to play catch. They laugh and cheer as they toss the ball to each other.

Abhir and Anaira are in Abhir's room, playing catch with his ball.

Abhir: (throws the ball to Anaira) Catch!

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