You can't give up

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The hospital was buzzing with activity as nurses and doctors rushed to attend to the patients. In the emergency ward, Akshu was lay unconscious on a stretcher, hooked to various machines and monitors.  After going through her report she was immediately shifter to emergency ward and Abhi called Dr. Saxena who was out of Birla house because of some work. He soon reached and checking Akshu condition.

Abhi was pacing outside the ward, anxiously waiting for any news about his wife's condition. He felt helpless and guilty, wondering if he could have done something to prevent this. He has fear that somehow she came to know about the truth of her being Akshu. May be she heard his conversation with Manjari and now he is fearing that may be Akshu brain has gone in a state which all of them tring to avoid. This information might activated her brain or can out lot of pressure on her. He just hoping that all this will be just false.

He was startled when he saw Dr. Saxena, the neurosurgeon, coming out of the ward. He ran to him and asked,

Abhi- "How is she, doctor? Is she going to be okay?"

Dr. Saxena looked grim and shook his head.

Dr. Saxena- "I'm sorry, Abhi. It's not good. She has a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the space between the brain and the skull. The pressure in her brain is very high, and we need to operate on her as soon as possible. But even then, there is no guarantee that she will survive or recover fully. She may have permanent brain damage or paralysis."

( I don't know about this i just asked Google to give me something and he gave me this. You know while writing this line it reminds me of Chef Alvin of MC of Canada season 1)

Abhi felt a surge of fear and despair. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He loved Akshu more than anything in the world. She was his soulmate, his best friend, his partner in everything. He fears that his Akshu will leave him again how will he survive this time? Will Abhir would be able to take her death kya woh bachaa jhel payega is baar apni maa ko khona. How could he lose her like this? How could he live without her? How could he raise their son alone?

He begged Dr. Saxena,

Abhi- "Please, doctor, you have to save her. She is my life. She is the mother of my child. Please, do whatever you can. I'll pay anything. I'll do anything. Just don't let her die."

Dr. Saxena sighed and said,

Dr. Saxena- "I understand, Abhi. I'm doing my best. But you have to prepare yourself for the worst. And you have to be strong for your son. He needs you now more than ever."

He then said, "There is one thing you can do, though. You can talk to her. She may not be able to hear you, but it might help her to calm down and reduce the pressure in her brain. It might also help you to cope with this situation. Come, I'll take you to her."

He led Abhi to the ward, where Akshu was lying still and pale. Abhi felt a pang of pain as he saw her. She looked so fragile and vulnerable. He wished he could take her in his arms and kiss her awake. He wished he could tell her how much he loved her and how sorry he was for not being there for her.

He sat beside her and took her hand in his. He felt a faint pulse and hoped that it was a sign of life. He leaned close to her ear and whispered,

Abhi-"Akshu, my love, can you hear me? It's me, Abhi. I'm here with you. Please, don't leave me. Please, come back to me. I need you. I love you."

He continued, "We have so much to live for, Akshu. We have our son, Abhir. He is waiting for you. He misses you. He loves you. He needs his mother. He needs your warmth, your smile, your hug, your kiss. He needs you to teach him, to play with him, to sing to him, to read to him. He needs you to watch him grow, to see him achieve his dreams, to be proud of him. He needs you to be happy, Akshu. We both need you to be happy."

He said, "We have so many plans, Akshu. We want to travel the world, to see new places, to meet new people, to learn new things. We want to build our dream home, to decorate it with our memories, to fill it with our laughter, to make it our sanctuary. We want to grow old together, to celebrate our anniversary, to renew our vows, to cherish our love. We want to be happy, Akshu. We deserve to be happy."

He said, "Please, Akshu, don't give up. Don't let go. Fight for your life. Fight for our life. Fight for our son. Fight for our love. You are strong, Akshu. You are brave. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are my everything. You are my reason to live. Please, live, Akshu. Please, live for me. Please, live for us."

As he spoke, he felt a slight squeeze in his hand. He looked at Akshu and saw her eyelids flutter. He felt a surge of hope and joy. He called out,

Abhi- "Anaira, Anaira can you hear me? Can you see me? Please, open your eyes. Please, look at me."

He saw her eyes slowly open and focus on him. He saw a faint smile on her lips. He heard her voice, weak but clear, say,

Akshu- "Abhi, I love you. See your Akshu is back"

He smiled and said, "I love you too, Akshu. I love you so much."

He kissed her forehead and hugged her gently. He felt her arms wrap around him. He felt her heart beat in sync with his. He felt her breath on his neck. He felt her life in his.

He thanked God for this miracle. He thanked God for saving her. He thanked God for giving them another chance.

He looked at her and said,

Abhi-"We'll be okay, Akshu. We'll get through this. We'll be happy. We'll be together. We'll be a family. We'll be us."

He saw her nod and say, "Yes, Abhi. We'll be us."

He kissed her again and said, "I love you, Akshu. Always and forever."

He heard her say, "I love you, Abhi. Always and forever."

(Hahaha Abhi didn't notice but he will kal, tomorrow is last update of this track)

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