She is worth it.

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Anaira, Abhi and Abhir walked towards the temple, holding hands and smiling. They had decided to visit the temple for Anaira health and well being and for Abhir's exams , as a way of seeking blessings and thanking God for their happy family. Anaira's panic attack was 2 weeks ago now she is stable and much more healthy. Abhir took great care of Anaira at that time. This care made Anaira realise that no matter what Abhir love her nevertheless. She now doesn't care that Abhi even doesn't love her what matters to her is Abhir loves her very much. She notice Abhi near Aditi he stays happy around her. She make him smile and laugh but Anaira is determined that she will make him fall for her.

As they reached the temple, they saw a group of women sitting on the steps, chatting and gossiping. They were some of Abhi's distant relatives and neighbours, who had always been jealous of his success and happiness. They recognized Anaira as his second wife, and they started whispering and staring at her with contempt.

"Look at her, acting as if she owns the place. She is nothing but a gold-digger, who married Abhi for his money and status. She doesn't care about his son, she only wants to enjoy his wealth and luxury." One of them said.

"She is so young and beautiful, she must have trapped him with her charms. Poor Abhi, he doesn't know what he is getting into. She will ruin his life and his son's life. She will never love Abhir like his real mother did. She will treat him like a burden and a nuisance." Another one said.

"She is not even wearing a proper saree, look at her modern clothes and jewellery. She has no respect for our culture and traditions. She is a bad influence on Abhir, who is such a sweet and innocent child. She will spoil him and make him forget his roots." A third one said.

They continued to taunt and insult Anaira, hoping to make her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. They did not care that Abhir could hear them, and that their words were hurting him. Abhir was a smart and sensitive boy, who understood what they were saying. He felt angry and sad, and he wanted to defend his Mumma, who he loved more than anything. He squeezed Anaira's hand and looked at her with concern. He saw that she was trying to ignore the women and smile, but he could also see the pain in her eyes. He decided to speak up and confront the women.

Abhir- "Excuse me, aunties, can I ask you something?"

He said in a loud and clear voice, attracting the attention of everyone around.

The women were surprised and annoyed by his interruption. They looked at him with disdain and curiosity.

"What do you want, child? Don't you have manners? Don't you know how to respect your elders?" One of them said.

Abhir- "I do have manners, and I do respect my elders. But I don't respect people who say bad things about my Mumma. Why are you saying such mean and nasty things about her? What has she done to you?"

The women were taken aback by his boldness and confidence. They did not expect him to stand up for Anaira, or to question their authority. They tried to justify their behaviour and intimidate him.

"We are not saying anything bad, we are saying the truth. Your Mumma is not your real Mumma, she is your step-mother. She is not good for you or your Papa. She will make your life hell. You should stay away from her and love your real Mumma, who is in heaven." One of them said.

Abhir shook his head and frowned. He did not like the word "step-mother". He did not think it described his relationship with Anaira. He did not think it mattered who gave birth to him, or who was in heaven. He thought it mattered who loved him and cared for him, and who made him happy and safe. He knew that Anaira was his Mumma, and he loved her with all his heart.

Abhir- "That's not true, aunties. My Mumma is my real Mumma, and I love her very much. She loves me and Papa very much too. She makes us happy and she takes care of us. She is not bad, she is good. She is not a gold-digger, she is a hard-working and successful women and a dance teacher. She is not a bad influence, she is a role model and a teacher. She is not a burden, she is a blessing. She is not a step-mother, she is a mother."

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