1-A Just and Kind King

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Yang was a just and kind King,Knowing that no one knew his face, he was a king very loved by everyone...

When he had important matters to attend to, he asked his faithful subject to take care of everything...

Since his birth he suffered from a strange heart disease, although many prestigious doctors came to see him and treated him, none of them could detect the cause of his illness...

For that reason he did not like to go outside, he did not want his people to see him sick, he knew that many creatures would take the opportunity to attack him...

When he felt bored he liked to go out for a while and get some air, he took advantage of the fact that no one had seen his face, It was a great advantage for him so he could pass himself off as another inhabitant of the kingdom...

He really enjoyed walking the streets of his kingdom and seeing how people lived their lives day by day, He asked himself again and again why he couldn't be normal like the others, After having little, they were very happy and he had everything but he was not happy...

Due to his strange illness he could not marry or have children, he was sad because he would not have children, "How pathetic my life is," he said with great irony, but still I didn't stop enjoying life...

The king never imagined that his solitary life would be about to change forever, because soon a young woman would appear who would captivate his heart...

In the Kingdom of Yang there was a tradition that was celebrated every year, the entire Kingdom came together to celebrate the great protectors of the kingdom the sun and the moon...

The entire kingdom celebrated it with joy because on the day the king was born the moon appeared next to the sun and it was an unforgettable event for them, a natural phenomenon never seen before...

For the parents of the King and his kingdom it was an omen of good luck, The baby would bring abundance and harmony to the kingdom and this is how it happened, Since the king took the throne, abundance and harmony came to the Kingdom...

Yang was preparing a speech to deliver at the grand festival, After giving the speech I planned to attend the festival and see how people celebrated...

After night came, the king came out and gave a speech to his kingdom and everyone applauded him and shouted his name with joy...

¡Long live the King!... "They all said with great joy...

Yang was very happy that his kingdom was happy with his reign, Seeing his people full of prosperity was what kept him wanting to continue living to govern with justice...

When she was about to change to go out to live with her people, she was interrupted by her trusted guard...

Yang: What happened, why did you ask to speak to me urgently, is there something I should worry about?

The guard: No, your majesty, on the contrary, I come to bring you very good news...

Yang:Seriously, then tell me my faithful guard...

The guard: Our men return tomorrow victorious, they manage to finish off the centipede woman, Some of the most difficult creatures to defeat but His Majesty did not achieve it alone, A strange young woman appeared and helped them kill that creature and its entire clan...

Yang: Seriously, I'm very curious to meet that woman. Tell one of our men to tell her that the king wants to meet her in person to thank her for helping us put an end to that creature...

The guard quickly came out to carry out his order...

Yang went out with great happiness and enjoyed the festival. It was fun for him to pretend to be another inhabitant...

When the festival ended, the guard returned with the response of the young woman who helped them with the creature...

The guard:Her Majesty the young lady has said that it will be an honor to visit your kingdom and speak with you in person...

Yang: Well then, call all the servants and tell them that tomorrow they prepare a great banquet to receive that young woman...

Yang is about to meet the young woman who will change his life completely...

The Emperor of Beasts (A love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz