11-The first night of love

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Yang locked herself in her bedroom for a while, she didn't feel like doing anything, thanks to the sight of that woman...

I knew that woman was absolutely right... So he made the decision and went to confess to the young woman about his illness...

Yang was afraid that the young woman would no longer want to accept it, but it was something that sooner or later the young woman would know...

He got up from his bed and changed to go see the young woman...

After a few minutes, Yang arrived at the young woman's house and asked her to go out for a walk because she had something very important to tell her...

While they were walking Yang told the young woman that he had something very important to tell her and that it could harm their engagement...

The very scared young woman looked at him and said," My King is scaring me, maybe he doesn't want to marry me anymore or another woman has appeared in his life"...

Yang turned to look at her, put a hand on her face and answered: ¿How can you think that I would cancel our engagement or have another woman by my side?...

The young woman answered," ¿So if it's nothing like that, what is My King about?"...

Yang took a deep breath and responded, "My beautiful maiden, I, I suffer from a strange illness in my heart, because of that strange illness I have lived far from my Kingdom. A few years ago I was about to get married, but the woman I loved stood me up on my wedding day, I can't stand the thought of living with a sick man.
Yesterday after a long time she came back to look for me and told me that she was sorry for leaving me that it was a mistake on her part and that she still loved me, I, of course, told her that there would be no chance because he already loved another woman and we would soon get married.
But she told me that you would let me know about my strange illness...

The young woman put her hand on his face and said, "My King, how can you believe that I would leave you because of your strange illness, I love you with all your defects and virtues, no matter what, I will never leave you, my love for you goes beyond the inapplicable.
I will not be like that foolish woman, now she will have to live with her regret, because I will never let go of it...

Yang closed her eyes and sighed, "Please forgive me for not telling you from the beginning about my illness, but I was very afraid that my story would repeat itself"...

The young woman approached and said,"My King, don't let something like that happen again and kissed him...

Yang put his hands on her waist and pulled her towards him and responded to the kiss very sweetly...

After kissing for a while, they returned to the castle to continue with the preparations for the banquet...

They finished so late that Yang told the young woman why she didn't go to the castle to sleep and that she would send word to her parents that she would be staying for an important matter.
The young woman very happily agreed to stay the night in the castle...

When it was time to go to sleep, Yang took the young woman's hand and led her to her bedroom, The young woman, very nervous and with blushing cheeks, followed him without saying anything...

They entered their bedroom and Yang closed the door and took the young woman to her bed...

Yang looked at the young woman and with a deep voice said,"My beautiful maiden, I am dying to spend the whole night with you, ¿and you?"...

The young woman, a little nervous, looked at him and in a soft voice said, "I'm also dying to spend the whole night with you, My King...

Yang smiled mischievously and said:"So let's not waste any more time and enjoy tonight"...

He approached the young woman's lips and kissed them sweetly...

The young woman put her hands on Yang's chest and let herself go.

Yang and the young woman gradually took off their clothes.

Yang, without stopping kissing her, laid her down on the bed and put her hand on her leg and ran her fingers over it very gently...

The young woman put her hands on Yang's chest and began to caress him gently...

Yang stopped for a moment and watched the young woman caress her breasts, and smiling, she closed her eyes and bit her lips and began to kiss her passionately...

The young woman also smiled and gently bit Yang's lips...

"You are so beautiful, you drive me completely crazy", Yang told her as he continued kissing and caressing her...

"You are also driving me completely crazy", The young woman told him while she also continued kissing him...

Yang ran her lips over the young woman's neck and she shivered, He put his hands on Yang's back and squeezed her tightly...

King Yang and the young maiden spent their first night of love...

After spending some time of intimacy, the young woman lay on Yang's chest and fell asleep...

Yang hugged her tightly and also fell asleep...

Yang, for the first time in her life, was able to sleep peacefully without having those nightmares about that mysterious shadow...

The next morning Yang woke up and the young woman was still asleep...

Yang looked at her with a big smile of satisfaction, kissed her forehead and gently ran her hand all over her back, While watching her sleep...

The young woman woke up little by little and while her eyes were open she smiled and looking at Yang she said,"Good morning my king"...

Yang smiled and answered,"Good morning my beautiful maiden"...

The young woman stretched a little and said Yang,"My King, thank you for the wonderful night you gave me, I am completely happy"...

Yang looked at her and with a big smile she answered," I also spent such a wonderful night with you, everything was so beautiful and wonderful"...

The young woman approached Yang's lips and said,"I love you too much my King"...

Yang looked at the young woman's lips and responded," I love you too much my beautiful maiden"...

He approached her and kissed her...

King Yang and the young woman joined their bodies again to love again...

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