16-Attack of the Dark Gargoyles

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The Sorceress had a big smile on her face, She didn't know what she was about to release, this was more than she could imagine...

He took his magic staff and headed to Yang Castle to spread the tumor that a calamity was about to happen because of the young girl who had arrived in his kingdom...

In the blink of an eye, that rumor began to spread throughout the Yang Kingdom...

The Sorceress began to dry up the water of the entire kingdom and filled its crops with plagues. 

The people began to believe that the tumor was true, very scared they went to the castle to talk to King Yang...

But King Yang had not yet arrived from his charity event...

The people waited for him at the entrance of the castle, to tell him what was happening in the kingdom and that it was because of the young girl...

After a few minutes, King Yang and the young girl arrived at the castle and were surprised to see that the entire town was waiting for them outside the castle...

King Yang told the young girl that he would go forward a little to see why the people outside the castle were very upset and nervous...

Yang approached closer and asked them: My people, ¿what is happening here and why are they so upset?...

The very upset people began to tell him the following: Your Majesty, this morning a rumor spread that calamities would come because of the young girl who has just arrived in your kingdom. We did not believe a single word, but minutes after the place was scattered, the drought in the river and the plagues in the crops began to happen as the mysterious woman told us...
He also said that if the young girl did not leave the Kingdom, the Dark Gargoyles would attack the Kingdom.
Your Majesty, we are very scared. She was a young girl who has to leave her life and her Kingdom. She is a bad woman who has only brought misfortune to the Kingdom...

People started screaming: That the young girl should leave the kingdom or they would rise up against their King...

The Young girl approached and asked Yang the following: My King, ¿what is happening?...

Yang explained to the young girl what was happening...

The very sad young girl looked at Yang and said: My King, Please don't tell me that you also believe in that rumor, please, I swear that I would never do anything to harm your kingdom or your people... There must be another explanation my king... 

Yang took her hand and said: My fair maiden, you have nothing to worry about, I would never let myself be carried away by an absurd rumor...

The young girl felt calmer upon hearing King Yang's words...

The young girl looked at the King and said: My King, please let me talk to them and try to calm them down.  I want to show them that I am not what they say...

He approached people and tried to talk to them...

The people did not want to listen to her and began to shout at her: You are a witch who cast a spell on our beloved King, to have him blinded with your charms. And if we destroy this Kingdom little by little...

The young girl kept trying to calm them down but they didn't pay attention at all...

Witch, Witch, You are a witch, get out of here or we will fight you...

Yang approached the young woman and hugged her tightly and looking at her kingdom she told them: Please my people, do not be carried away by false rumors, my beautiful maiden is not to blame for what is happening...

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