5-The Guardians of the Sun and the Moon

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Yang, seeing that the young woman was hugging him, couldn't help but hug her too...

Are you okay now? The young woman said to Yang as she continued hugging him...

"Yes, I feel much better now"... I don't know what happened to me, suddenly I started to feel a strong headache, it was something really very strange, something like that had never happened to me,Yang said as he continued hugging her...

The young woman: I'm glad that you are well, that calms me down... for a moment I thought that something very bad had happened to you... By the way, what happened to the Centipede Queen?...

Yang: She's dead, I managed to defeat her... we have to burn her body so that the animals don't eat her and die of poisoning...

The young woman was shocked to hear that Yang had killed her alone.
"Wow, I can't believe you have so much power"... Are you really a warrior of King Yan?

Yang looked at her and for a moment didn't know what to say... He didn't want the young woman to suspect that he wasn't a simple warrior, so he had to think something quickly...

Yang: Ammm, of course I am a warrior of the Yang Kingdom,
It's just that I was trained differently to be able to better protect the Kingdom...

The young woman: Aaaaa, that being the case, I understand it perfectly, it must not be easy at all to belong to the royal guard...

Yang took a deep breath and felt calmer seeing that the young woman believed him...

Yang stood up and told the young woman to get behind him because he would burn the creature's body and he didn't want it to get hurt... The young woman stood behind Yang and he began to burn the body of the centipede queen...

Yang took her horse and asked the Young Girl where she was going before the centipede woman's attack... The young woman looked at him and told him that she was going to visit an old friend... Yang looked at her and told her to get on her horse to take her to her friend, which was the least she could do since she caused her hair to fly away...

The young woman told her that she wouldn't bother, but Yang insisted so much that the young woman ended up accepting...

He got on the horse and showed Yang the way...

They arrived at her friend's house and the young woman thanked Yang for taking her to her friend's house... Yang looked at her and told her that it was nothing and also thanked her for helping him calm his headache...

"See you tomorrow at training," Yang told him as she left... "Yes, of course, see you tomorrow," the young woman answered as she said goodbye to him...

She entered her best friend's house and began to tell him everything, her best friend listened attentively while he couldn't believe what she was telling him...

Yang arrived at his castle and went to bathe to wash off the creature's blood... He was really very confused by everything that happened... He came out from bathing and when he went to his closet to choose his clothes he saw that something strange had happened to the world...

Yang approached and saw that the sacred seal had broken from one corner, "How strange I don't remember him being like this the morning I left," he said, a little confused.
Yang didn't take it so seriously, she took her clothes and changed to go to sleep...

When Yang fell asleep two small spheres of light appeared and headed towards the sacred orb, They watched him for a moment and then left Yang's bedroom and rose to the sky...

They arrived at the Moon and those small spheres became two very luminous beings and took human form... 

Those beings of light were the guardians of the Sun and the Moon...

"We have to do something as soon as possible or else it will be too late," said the guardian of the Sun...

The guardian of the Moon looked at him and said,"I agree with you, we have to act quickly... If the King loses control again, the seal on the orb will break and the Kingdom will burn in flames"...

The Sun guard also looked at her and replied,"That young woman who has just arrived in the King's life will be the only one capable of keeping him calm now that the seal has begun to break...

From now on we have to keep an eye on him even more than before...

The guardians of the Sun and the Moon stayed talking for one more challenge...

The next morning arrived and The young woman was preparing for her first day of training in the castle...

Yang was also preparing to receive the new warriors...

The time for training arrived and everyone was ready to receive the King. And then start your training...

The young woman looked for the man who was with her yesterday but she didn't see him anywhere...

Suddenly the King came out and everyone made a reference to receive him...

Yang welcomed everyone and told them to do their best in training... They all yelled with great enthusiasm that they would do their best...

Yang was very happy to see the great enthusiasm that the young people had to learn the best strategies to become the best hunters of creatures...

Yang fixed her gaze on the young woman and let a big smile escape her lips, she quickly went to her bedroom and changed to be in training...

After a few minutes he arrived at training and headed towards where the young woman was... 

Yang,"Hello, I think I'm a little late for training"...

The young woman turned around and smiled at him... "Hello partner, that's right, you're a little late for training, but you don't need to be here, you're already a great hunter"...

Yang blushed when she looked at the young woman's smile...

But I still like to come and continue training and you must from time to time help the warriors in their training. It's something that keeps me happy...

The young woman took him by the hand and said,"well then I want you to teach me all your strategies, to become a great hunter like you"...

When the young woman took Yang's hand, her heart began to beat very fast...

Yang and the young woman couldn't help but look into each other's eyes again and get lost in their gazes...

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