17-The Fury of King Yang

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Yang's mind began to cloud little by little, Now I only thought about killing and murdering in cold blood...

The Gargoyle King tried to get up to attack King Yang, but before he could get up, Yang grabbed him by the neck and, looking at him coldly, said the following: ¿Where do you think you are going, Creature of darkness?, you have made me angry and the price to pay for it is death...

The Gargoyle King looked at him and said: I had seen that look before, I will never forget it, It's the same look that that monstrous being that killed my parents had...
But no, no it could be you, that monstrous being was locked up thousands of years ago and their hair and eye color were different, no that is something impossible...

Yang with eyes full of anger responded: You know something, dark creature, the Centipede Queen had already told me that and I don't understand why she wanted to confuse me with that mysterious being. But you know what, it doesn't matter anymore, because right now you will die, I'm already tired of you and your disgusting presence.
Goodbye, Gargoyle King, it was a pleasure meeting you, but this first and last meeting ends now...

Yang squeezed the Gargoyle King's neck and strangled him hard... Yang hands filled with blood,Yang looked at his hands and that feeling of satisfaction came over him again...

Once again a severe headache took over him, he put his hands to his head and began to scream from the pain. He was so stunned that he started walking aimlessly...

The Gargoyle King's army turned into stone and when it fell to the ground his body broke into pieces...

The surviving people cried with joy when they saw that the gargoyles had turned to stone...

The young girl and the surviving warriors tried to gather the surviving people in one place...

The young girl began to look for Yang everywhere, but she couldn't find him anywhere...

Yang continued walking aimlessly throughout the castle, the sorceress was watching him and waited for the moment to act...

After several attempts the young girl found Yang and seeing that he was very disoriented, she quickly ran towards Yang...

The young girl hugged her tightly and said: ¿What is wrong with My King, why is he so confused, what happened to him?...

Yang mind cleared again as she felt the young girl's warm embrace...

Yang hugged the young girl tightly and, very scared, told her: My beautiful maiden, I am very scared, I don't know what happened to me, suddenly I lost control of my mind again and I think I did something terrible.
My hands are full of blood and I can't remember anything, I'm afraid I've been able to kill someone...

The young girl gently patted his back and answered: My King, you have nothing to worry about, you have not killed anyone, you have only saved your Kingdom from the Gargoyle King and his army.
Sadly, some people from your Kingdom died, but the other inhabitants of your Kingdom managed to survive thanks to you...

The young girl took Yang by the hand and led him to where the survivors were...

The Sorceress, upon seeing that the young girl calmed Yang's suffering, became enraged and before she arrived with the survivors, she went ahead to harass them again and be on good terms with Yang...

The Sorceress arrived with the survivors and told them: People of King Yang, I have gotten you a lot of food and water, come and eat until you are full and you can't take it anymore...

The people were happy and quickly came to eat and drink water, While they ate they thanked the sorceress...

I have come to save this Kingdom and its King, that evil witch who is at his side,I will help you to free your beloved King from the clutches of that evil witch. They just have to do everything I ask of them.

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