7-The decision

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Yang and the young man's heart was beating a thousand miles per hour...

"Thank you very much for letting me keep the rose," said the young woman as she carried it to her chest...

"She suits you perfectly, both you and the flower are very beautiful, that's why I want you to take it, so that every time you see it, you remember how beautiful you are," Yang said while smiling...

The young woman blushed and didn't know what to say...

Yang told the young woman that it was time to leave, they resumed their path...

They arrived at her house and he said goodbye to her...

The young woman put the flower in a small vase and took it to her room, closed her door and lay down on the bed while letting out a big sigh. The young woman couldn't stop thinking about Yang words...

Yang was already in her castle and very happy she went to her bedroom and also fell into her bed while she also let out a big sigh and couldn't stop smiling...

The next day the young woman and Yang were preparing for training, they were both very nervous to see each other again...

Some time passed and everyone was already in the castle to train...

Yang approached the young woman and greeted her like every day...

Yang: Ready to continue training?

The Young Woman: If I'm ready...

They both smiled as they looked at each other...

They took out their swords ⚔️ and began to train...

"I'm very proud of you, you've improved a lot, you've almost completely mastered the technique," Yang said as they continued training...

The young woman was very happy and said, "I am learning from the best teacher. She looked at him and smiled at him...

While they were training, the young woman made a false step and hurt her foot...
Yang let go of her sword and quickly picked up the young woman and asked her if she was okay.
The young woman told him that if he was okay, that he had only hurt his leg a little...

Yang looked at her leg and saw that a little blood had come out, she turned to look at the young woman and told her how could she say that she was fine if she had hurt herself...

Yang told the young woman that she would take her to the castle to heal her, that she couldn't go home like that... The young woman looked at him and told him that there would be no problem with the King because she entered his castle without permission...
Yang looked at her and told her not to worry about the King, that he wouldn't be bothered at all...

The young woman accepted and asked Yang to help her walk, Yang told her that she would carry her so she wouldn't hurt her leg anymore. He took the young woman in her arms and took her to the castle...

The gazes of the young woman and Yang met again...

Yang arrived at the castle and took the young woman to one of the rooms that were near her main bedroom.
He laid her down on the bed and told her to wait for him, that he would go get some bandages and medicinal herbs...

Yang quickly went out to get the things and the young woman lay waiting for Yang. She felt a little strange being inside the royal hall rooms...

After a while, Yang came in with the things and told the young woman that she would uncover her leg while he turned around so as not to see,The slightly blushing young woman uncovered her leg and told Yang that she could now turn around. Yang turned around and also, a little blushing, began to heal the wound, put the herb on it and bandaged it...

The young woman told him that she had to tell her parents that she would stay in the castle that night, if she didn't tell them they would be very worried.
Yang told him not to worry that he would tell her where he lived and that he would go tell his parents himself. The young woman told him where she lived and Yang quickly left for the young woman house...

Yang explained to the girl's parents what had happened and they, a little worried about their daughter, agreed that she would stay in the castle.
Yang said goodbye to them and returned to her castle...

Arriving, he ordered the cooks to prepare some food, they complied with the order and Yang went to the room where the young woman was to bring her something to eat...

He entered the room and sat next to the young woman, I told him to eat something and then go to bed and rest. The young woman ate and thanked him for being so attentive to her. Yang smiled and told him that she had nothing to thank, that she did it from the heart...

They started talking and after a while the young woman began to feel sleepy and without thinking about it she laid her head on Yang's chest and fell deeply asleep...

Yang's heart began to pound... he put a hand in her hair and began to caress it as he watched her sleep...

"I can't keep quiet anymore... what I'm feeling is much stronger than me, I need to tell you the whole truth even if it risks losing you,"Yang said as she continued stroking the young girl's hair...

After a while Yang also fell asleep. For the first time in his life he was able to sleep well without having those horrible nightmares...

The next morning the young woman woke up and realized that she had fallen asleep on Yang chest.
Yang, upon feeling the young woman get up, began to wake up. He looked at the young woman and with a big smile said good morning to her. The young woman also smiled and said good morning to her...

Yang: How are you doing with your leg?

The young woman: I'm a little better now, thank you very much for curing me...

Yang: It was nothing, I couldn't leave you like this, it was partly my fault for demanding a lot from you...

The young woman: Don't worry, I was the one who made a wrong step, these are things that happen very often in training...

Yang felt a little calmer seeing that the young woman had taken things calmly...

After that, a week passed and the young woman was already feeling well from her wound, it had already closed completely...

One day the young woman was eating with her parents when she suddenly received an unexpected visit from the King personal guard.
He told him that the King requested his presence with great urgency... 

The young woman thought that the King was complaining to her for having stayed that night in his castle, so she quickly went out to answer his call to explain what had happened...

On the other hand, Yang was very nervous, he would finally reveal his true identity to the young woman and confess his love for her...

He began to walk around from one side to the other waiting for the young woman to arrive. He was really very nervous."What will she think when I reveal my identity to her, will she be scared, will she take it calmly, will she also feel the same way about me, will she reject me?,"

"¿Que pensará cuando le revele mi identidad, ella se asustara, lo tomara con calma, también sentirá lo mismo por mi, me rechazará?,There's no, I'm really very nervous," the king asked himself while he didn't stop pacing...

Suddenly the guard knocked on his door and told him that the young woman was already waiting for him on her private balcony...

Yang took a deep breath and left her room to meet the young woman...

The Emperor of Beasts (A love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin