9-My proposal for a hand

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Yang and the young woman couldn't stop kissing, it was as if time had stopped at that moment...

"I wish you would be my wife as soon as possible, I can't be away from you anymore," Yang told the young woman while he continued kissing her...

"I also wish the same, I want to have him by my side forever," the young woman told him while she continued kissing him...

After that love making, the young woman and King Yang began to secretly use their powers, the young woman was waiting for the right moment to tell them the news...

At night they liked to go contemplate the stars and constellations, Yang told the young woman the name of each one of them. The young woman listened to him attentively while she had her head lying on his chest...

A couple of days passed like this, until Yang decided to talk to the young woman's parents and ask for her hand to marry her...

The day came when Yang was going to ask for her hand, he was extremely nervous...

For her part, she was talking to her parents, telling them that they would have a visit in the afternoon because she had something very important to tell them.
The very curious parents asked her who was that person who would come to their house and what issue she would discuss with them, the young Lee said that she couldn't tell them anything that it was a surprise...

The parents had no choice but to wait, while that was happening they prepared some sandwiches to receive the person who would visit them...

A few hours passed and the time came for Yang to ask for the young woman's hand, with many nerves he arrived at the young woman's house. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door...

The young woman quickly opened the door, Yang was already outside, she was very happy and gave her a hug and a kiss...

The young woman: It's good that you've arrived my love, my parents are waiting for you...

Yang: I'm very nervous my love, I don't know how your parents will take it...

The young woman looked at him and with a big smile said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine"...

Yang took her hand and said, "Then let's go in my love...

The young woman and Yang entered her house to talk to her parents...

Yang took a breath and greeted the young woman's parents. They very kindly responded to her greeting, asking her to sit down and tell them the reason for her visit, that they would listen carefully...

Yang took the young woman by the hand and looking into their eyes said, "The reason for my visit is to tell you that I am completely in love with your daughter, and to ask you to give me the honor of marrying her. I swear that I will make her the happiest woman in the world...

The young woman's parents were very surprised by Yang's words...

Yang became very nervous when she saw that the parents did not respond to what she had told them...

The young woman took King Yang's hand and looking at her parents she said, "Parents, please accept this marriage proposal. I really want to marry him." I love him deeply and I want to spend the rest of my days with him...

They took a deep breath and looking at them both said,"Are you sure you will take this important step? A marriage is not just anything, it is something that will unite you with a person for life"...

The parents took a deep breath and looking at the two said, "It is being in good times and bad, in health and in illness, in wealth and in poverty, it is overcoming any difficulty"...

¿Do you really feel prepared to take such an important step?...

If so, we will not put any impediment to the marriage proposal...

Yang and the young woman looked at each other and then turned to see their parents and the two responded that yes, they were willing to do that and much more for their love...

The parents looked at each other and with a big smile they gave them their acceptance, they got up and hugged them with joy...

They welcomed Yang to their family and told her to come into the kitchen so they could have some snacks while they told them where they had met and how long they had been dating...

They went to the dining room and King Yang and the young woman talked about everything to the young woman's parents...

They listened to them very carefully...

After a while, King Yang said goodbye to them and told them that over the weekend he would announce his engagement to his daughter and that he had a surprise prepared for them...

So he told them to be ready because he would come for them to take them home...

The young woman's parents looked at him and told him that they would gladly wait for him over the weekend...

The young woman accompanied him to the door and hugged him with great happiness...

The Young Girl: I am so happy my love, we have finally spoken with my parents...

King Yang: I'm happy too my love, now we just need to announce our engagement and then get tired. I'm really dying for you to be my wife...

The young woman: I'm also dying to be your wife, I'm looking forward to that day...

Yang took the young woman's waist and told her that he couldn't wait any longer to make her his wife, that he wanted to marry her right now...

The young woman put both her hands on his neck and told him that she couldn't wait any longer either, she smiled very flirtatiously and gave King Yang a kiss...

Yang held her waist tightly and kissed her with great passion...

The Love between King Yang and the young woman was getting bigger and bigger...

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