3-A captivating look

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Everyone in the Kingdom was celebrating the arrival of the young woman, That night everything was joy and a lot of fun...

Yang was very happy so she made a lot of toasts,
All night he enjoyed seeing his kingdom very happy, it was something that filled him with joy and made him forget his illness...

The next day the young woman was at her powers' house, Very happy he went to give them the great news that he would be part of the castle's warriors. The parents couldn't believe what the young woman was telling them, They knew it was one of their dreams and they were very happy to see it come true,The three of them were so happy that they cried from emotion...

After surprising her parents, the young woman went to her best friend house to tell him everything that was happening. I was very excited to see him and tell him everything...

On the other hand, Yang was attending to the pending matters he had about his Kingdom and then went out and took some fresh air, He finished and went to change to leave. This time he took his horse and headed to the forest to take some flowers and take them to his castle.  Smelling the aroma of flowers was something that relaxed him a lot...

The young woman wanted to get to her friend quickly so she decided to cut through the forest, Little did she and Yang know that fate had given them a new encounter that would awaken great interest in each other...

But something very terrible was about to happen, one of the centipede women had managed to survive the attack and was heading to the Kingdom to avenge the death of her tribe...

The centipede woman sensed the young woman's energy and rushed to attack her, This time it was not going to be so easy to defeat her. She had gathered all the energy from her brothers' bodies and concentrated it into an energy ball that she put into her body to obtain more power...

Yang noticed the evil energy emanating from the creature so she quickly headed towards where the centipede woman was, He could not allow that evil energy to get close to the Kingdom...

Yang was going so fast that she didn't realize that the young woman was about to appear in her path, She was very calm observing the flowers that were in the forest, they were really very beautiful and special...

The young woman got off her horse and approached the large flower garden that was in the forest, He took one and smelled the aroma that came out of the flower. It was a very sweet and pleasant aroma, I breathe so deeply that I can feel all the pure air that was in that place. He felt a lot of peace and tranquility...

He took a couple of flowers and was happily heading to his horse to continue on his way when suddenly he heard the sound of a horse coming in a hurry, Her horse began to get upset and she tried to calm him down, Suddenly Yang saw the girl but she was going so fast that she couldn't stop her horse in time...

The young woman's hair came untied and he forcefully pushed her, causing her to stumble. Yang quickly jumped off her horse and managed to stop the young woman before she fell to the ground, With one hand he held the flowers and with the other hand he held the young woman...

The young woman put her hands on Yang chest; their eyes met for the first time, He was completely lost in her gaze. At first he did not realize that it was the young woman who arrived with her warriors...

She didn't even imagine that the man who was holding her in his arms was the King, Well, he had a mask on that covered his face and this time his face was uncovered. How to imagine that man was King Yang...

Suddenly Yang reacted and asked the young woman: ¿You're fine, you didn't get hurt?...

The young woman answered him without stopping to look at him: I'm fine thanks for stopping me, But tell me ¿Why did I come in a hurry?...

Yang-Jin is also stop looking at her, I answer: I am a hunter of evil creatures, so I'm looking for one that is headed in this direction. An apology for making your horse run away, I didn't mean to, I'm very sorry, But please take mine and run away from here it's dangerous for you to stay...

The young woman with a big smile answered: Thank you very much for your offer but it is not necessary for me to leave, I am also cassdora and I cannot flee knowing that there is an evil creature heading to the Kingdom, As a Warrior of the Yang Kingdom, my duty is to protect it from all danger...

Upon hearing those words that the young woman said, Yang was very surprised, I hadn't recognized her because she was wearing different clothes, her hair was down, her face was made up. So Yang was really very surprised...

Yang: ¿Are you the young woman who arrived yesterday with King Yang warriors, The one who defeated the centipede woman tribe?...

The young woman: That's right, I'm the same, I just look different because I'm dressed up and yesterday I was wearing my armor. ¿And who are you? I don't remember seeing you yesterday at the banquet given by the King...

Yang for a moment didn't know what to say, so he had to think something quickly so that the young woman would not discover that he was the King...Ammm I'm one of the King's personal warriors. Sometimes he sends me on missions elsewhere and that's why I'm hardly here... 

The young woman looked at him and as she was just arriving at the King's castle, she believed everything he told her...  

“Well then we will be colleagues on many missions,” said the young woman with great joy...

Yang looked at her and smiled, “Of course we will be very good colleagues from now on,” he said with great joy...

The two turned to look at each other and smiled at each other. Suddenly the earth began to shake and the centipede woman approached them, Yang looked at the young woman and said: "Well, I think this will be our first battle companion mission"...

The young woman looked at him and answered: "This is how it looks like a battle companion, let's get ready and let's put an end to that evil creature, Our mission is to keep the Kingdom safe and secure"...

Yang felt very happy hearing those words, He realized that he was not wrong in choosing her as one of his warriors...

The two put themselves on guard and waited for the centipede woman to appear to exterminate her...

¡Their destinies had finally united again!...

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