15-The Kindness and Humanity of King Yang

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The jealousy and envy she felt for the young girl was so great that the woman without thinking twice told the spirit of the sorceress that she would do anything to separate Yang from the young woman. Although that will involve awakening the beast that remained dormant deep within Yang...

The voice answered: Enchantress, you will be the cause of all the chaos that is coming to the Yang Kingdom, Waking up the beast, there will be no turning back, I hope you can really tame his heart before he returns to his human form, me Or else you too, will appear together with the entire kingdom.
Take your magic staff and repeat the following words with me...

The woman took her staff and raised it...

The gigantic rock that was in front of her split in two and a lightning bolt came out of it, which rushed towards that woman's magic staff...

When the woman finished pronouncing the words that the spirit of the sorceress said, the staff shined and changed shape. A small flash came out that entered the woman body.
The woman once again felt how the magic was once again running through her entire interior...

The woman with a big, very devilish laugh said: Now I will be able to achieve my goal. Yang's heart will be completely mine...

He knelt down and thanked the spirit of the great sorceress Azura, granting her a little of her powers...

The voice answered: Enchantress,You must be careful to awaken the beast,Don't forget the words I told you, If you are not able to tame his heart, it is better that you do not do it...
Our meeting ends here, now you are the new queen of the sorceresses... 

The woman turned around, took her horse and headed to her castle to plan everything well...

The voice of that spirit laughed out loud and said the following: Go, sorceress, go and destroy the entire Yang kingdom, The time has come to fulfill my revenge. That infernal beast will pay for having locked me in this damned place.
The Great Beast is about to wake up and will engulf everything he loves in flames. ¡¡NOT THE BEST REVENGE!!...

That voice was no longer heard and again that forgotten forest was all silence...

The next day King Yang and the Young girl got up. They went to bathe and got ready to go to a charity event that King Yang had with his neighboring Kingdom...

Apart from being fair and kind in his kingdom, he also liked to help helpless people in other neighboring kingdoms...

King Yang and the young girl took their horses and together with the King's guards they went out to the neighboring kingdom...

When they arrived at the neighboring kingdom, everyone welcomed King Yang with great joy...

His King approached him and told him that he deeply thanked him for his help to his people. I promise that when I recover from this drought, I will pay you every penny...

Yang took him by the hand and said: Don't worry, you don't have to pay me anything, I offer you my help with all my heart... The best payment you can have is to see these people happy with the help I offer them...

¿By the way, King Yang, who is the beautiful lady accompanying you?, That King said to Yang ...

Yang smiled and said: Oh, she is my future Queen, let me present her to you formally...

Yang took the young girl by the hand, And he presented her to his friend the King...

The young woman introduced herself very politely and the King was very amazed by her youth and beauty. He was very happy because his friend Yang had finally found happiness...

Yang's guards began to distribute the bags of rice and other things to the people...

Yang and the young girl were also helping, they were very happy helping with their own hands...

The little children approached Yang and the young girl to thank them with a little affection for their help...

Yang crouched down and hugged them tightly, while telling them that she would always protect them and help them...

Everyone was yelling at Yang: ¡¡LONG LIVE KING YANG, LONG LIVE, HE IS A JUST AND KIND KING!!...

They screamed again and again...

Yang was very happy to see that the people of that kingdom were very grateful for his great help...

Seeing all that was something that brought joy to his heart...

Yang stood in the middle of them and said: I am very grateful for all the love I receive from you, as long as you need it, I will always support you and protect you. And whenever you want to visit my Kingdom you will be very welcome...

Yang turned to see them all and said goodbye to them with joy...

The people and their King also said goodbye to him with joy and great joy...

Yang, the girl and her guards were heading to her castle...

Meanwhile, that woman had already planned her first attack...

With his magic staff he summoned the king of the Gargoyles and told him that he had to make a deal with him...

The Gargoyle King told him:¿What kind of deal could I make with a sorceress like you?

The woman:I know that half of your tribe has been destroyed by King Yang's warriors, I offer you new powers so that you can avenge the death of your tribe...

The Gargoyle King: You don't know how much I hate that King, I'm dying to tear his body into pieces.
And tell me why you want to help me get revenge, ¿what do you gain from all this?...

The woman approached and answered him: I also hated his Kingdom, I want to see it burn in flames, And there is also a young girl who could be your reward for attacking the Yang realm. I know how you like fresh meat...

¿So what do you say, do you accept or not?...

The Gargoyle King: With that a very young woman, His young heart is perfect to offer as a sacrifice so I can revive my entire army and cause the destruction of this planet...

Sorceress you have convinced me, I accept your help...

The woman: You will see that you will not regret having made this decision, I only have one condition, I don't want King Yang to be hurt, I'll take care of him myself...

If you break our contract, your heart will burst into pieces...

The Gargoyle King: I know that perfectly, I will fulfill your request, I will bring you that King alive...

I already give you my word...

The woman laughed evilly, took her magic staff and gave new powers to the Gargoyle King...

The Gargoyle King tested his new powers and was fascinated, He spread his wings and rushed with his tribe to begin their attack on the Yang Kingdom...


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