22-He returned to Korea

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Suni went very happily to where Usagi was, to give her the news that her uncle had contacted her and that he would soon return to Korea to have dinner with the three of them...

Suni: Friend, Friend, Friend, I have something to tell you...

Usagi: Friend, you scare me, what's wrong?....

Suni: ¿Who do you think just spoke to me and wants to meet you?...

Usagi: ¿Who Friend?...

Suni: My Favorite Uncle...

Usagi: ¿Seriously?, Woooow, it would be really great to meet the most influential man in all of South Korea. It's like a privilege, why can't everyone meet your uncle in person... 

Suni: Yesss... Friend, My uncle is such a busy person that people have to add an appointment to be able to talk to him, but not directly, always through his trusted assistant.
My uncle has always liked to be very mysterious, so not all people know his face, To be honest, only the people who are not very close to my uncle...

Usagi: Wow, that makes me even more curious to meet your uncle.

Suni: Now that you know my uncle, you will be one of the privileged people who will be able to meet him in person and without adding an appointment...

Friend, I'm really very excited, you'll see that when they meet they will get along very well...

Usagi: I also hope the same, even though I don't know how I'm going to act with someone as important as you uncle, he must be a very elegant man...

Suni smiled and said: Don't worry, Friend, my uncle isn't that bloody, he's super cool, you'll see, But I can teach you some etiquette so you can feel comfortable at dinner with my uncle...

Usagi took both of Suni's hands and told her: Yesssss, Please friend, I would appreciate it very much...

Suni: Well then from tomorrow, we start etiquette classes...

Usagi and Suni were very happy and returned to the car with Liam, to return to the party...

When they got into the car Liam looked at them and said: Girls, I thought you would never leave the supermarket, it took you a while, ¿what happened?...

Suni was very happy and replied: Sorry friend, what happened is that my Uncle marked me and that's why it took us a while to return, I stayed talking to him for a while...

Liam smiled and answered Suni: That's fantastic friend, I know how much you've been waiting for your uncle's call these days. And tell me, ¿how has your uncle been?...

Suni: He says that he has been very busy, closing new contracts with very important artists and that is why he had not been able to mark me. He wants to finish all his pending matters quickly, so he can return to Korea very soon...

Liam: ¿And when your uncle returns from his trip?...

Suni: He will be back next week, I am really very happy that he will return from his long trip very soon, I want this week to go by very quickly...

Liam: Yes I imagine, Friend...

The three started talking and after a few minutes they arrived with their other friends...

Their friends were already waiting for them with drinks and snacks, And everyone continued with the party until dawn...

The next day everyone said goodbye, but before everyone went home, Usagi gave them a gift that she had brought them from her trip...

Her friends were excited about her gifts and thanked Usagi endlessly...

Usagi told them it was a small present that she gave them from the heart, and she also thanked them for the welcome gifts they had given her...

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