6-An invitation

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The young woman took Yang hand and told him that she wanted to train with him... Yang blushed and let the young woman take him to the training place...

Yang told the young woman that she will take out her sword and teach her her best moves, the young woman took out her sword and the two stood guard...

They began to train and Yang told her that he didn't do anything wrong, the young woman looked at him and said, "Thank you, you don't do anything wrong either, your movements are very light, it's as if you were one with your sword."
Yang smiled and said,"That's what it's all about, you have to become one with your sword so that you can make a good move and be able to give a good blow to the enemy...

The young woman listened to him very attentively...

"Please show me how I should achieve it," said the young woman as she continued fighting with Yang...

Yang looked at her and said, Are you willing to train very hard to achieve it?...

The young woman happily answered yes...

A month passed and the young woman could now master her sword a little more, it was no longer as heavy as before...

After continuing to train for a while, it was time to go home... Yang took a deep breath and asked the young woman...
¿Do you have plans for this afternoon?... "None," replied the young woman...

Yang, with a little shyness, asked him, Would you accept an invitation to eat? Of course, if it doesn't bother you...

The young woman smiled and replied,"Yes, I do accept your invitation"...

"Well then, see you in an hour at the castle entrance," Yang said to the young woman while smiling...

"It seems perfect to me," the young woman responded...

They said goodbye and went to bathe and change their clothes...

Yang got ready like he hadn't done in a long time, he wanted to look presentable for the young woman...

The young girl also wanted to look pretty for Yang, so she dressed up very well...

They were both very nervous...

Time passed and the two met again at the place where they agreed to meet...

Yang was already waiting for the young woman, when he saw her arrive he was very amazed...

"You look very beautiful, I hope I don't make you uncomfortable with my comment," Yang told her while he couldn't stop admiring her...

The young woman blushed and said,"Thank you very much, and it doesn't bother me at all...
"You look very handsome and very attractive," the young woman told him as she looked at him shyly...

Yang blushed and thanked him for his compliment...

The two looked at each other and smiled...

The young woman: I hope I haven't made you wait too long...

Yang:No, not at all, I just arrived too. ¿Let's go?...

The young woman: Yes, come on, I'll follow you...

Yang stretched out her shoulder and told the young woman to do her the honor...

The young woman blushed and took him by the shoulder...

Yang also blushed and said,"Well now we can go"...

They started walking and started talking while they found a place to eat...

After a few minutes they found a place to eat. They entered and went to the table and then ordered...

While they were waiting for their order, Yang asked the young woman to tell her a little about herself...

The young woman looked at him and said,"Well, where can I start... She began to tell him about her life, Yang listened attentively...

The cooks arrived and served the food...

Yang and the young woman continued talking while they ate...

The young woman told Yang that it was her turn to tell him a little about her life...

Yang thought for a moment.
She couldn't tell him anything that would make her suspect that he was the King...

He sighed and began to tell her some things that were not suspicious...

They laughed at their adventures and the funny things they had experienced...

They were really enjoying his company...

By the way, do you have a boyfriend? I suppose you must, you are a very pretty and beautiful woman, any man would die to have you by his side...

The young woman blushed a lot when she heard the words that Yang told her, and with very red cheeks she answered, "No, I don't have a boyfriend for now, I'm single."

Yang: You really don't have a boyfriend or anything like that?

The young woman: Really, I don't have a boyfriend...

Yang was happy to hear that the young woman did not have a boyfriend and that she was single and available...

And do you have a wife? "I suppose you must have a wife and children," the young woman asked, afraid of  Yang response...

Yang smiled and replied,"No, I don't have a wife or children, I'm completely single, I've always been a very lonely man...

Do you really have no wife or children?

Yang: Yes, I really don't have...

The young woman let out a sharp breath when she heard that Yang had no commitment...

They talked for a while longer...

After a while they left the place...

Yang told the young woman that she would take her home because it was too late for her to go alone. The young woman accepted and accompanied her to her house...

While walking they continued talking about many very funny things...

Yang kept looking at the young woman while they talked. The young woman didn't stop looking at him either while she was talking to him...

When they were about to arrive at the young woman's house... They passed by a river where one of the strangest and most beautiful fish in the Kingdom was found, its colors were as unique as he was...

The Young Girl told Yang that she wanted to go to the river to see if they were lucky to see the rainbow fish, Yang smiled and told her that of course they could go...

They stopped at the river and sat down to wait to see if they were lucky to see it, after a few minutes the river began to shine and the rainbow fish appeared before their eyes...

The young woman couldn't believe she was seeing it, they were so big and beautiful...

The rainbow fish came out to pay honor to King Yang... It began to jump from one side to the other and came out and entered the river, the water turned into various colors, it was something very beautiful to observe...

Yang applauded him and told the young woman to also give the rainbow fish a round of applause so that he would leave very happy...

The young woman also applauded him and the rainbow fish disappeared, leaving a very beautiful rose of various colors...

Yang went to where the rose was and took it, she approached the young woman and said, "This rose is as beautiful and unique as you...Take it, it's for you"...

The young woman blushed again and approached Yang. She stretched out her hand to take the rose...

And without realizing it, their hands touched each other, putting the rose in the middle of the two...

Yang and the young woman looked into each other's eyes and once again became lost in their gazes...

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