23-unnecessary jealousy

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Kang Dae turned to look at Su-Ji and said to Usagi: Miss, I apologize, I have to hang up to attend to a matter with my wife, see you at the weekend. It was a pleasure talking to you...

Kang Dae hung up and Su-Ji walked over to grab the phone from him...

Su-Ji got angry and said: Why did you finish your talk with that young girl, if they were very comfortable talking.

Kang Dae stood up from his desk and as he left his personal office he said the following to Su-Ji: You know, I'm not in the mood to listen to your absurd claims, I'm very tired from the trip and the least I want is to argue with you again...

Su-Ji: Don't leave me talking to myself again Kang Dae, ¿tell me who was that young girl you were laughing so hard with and why were you asking her out this weekend?, Kang Dae stop, I'm talking to you, if you don't answer me right now I'll assume he was your lover...

Kang Dae, without turning to look at her and without stopping, answered her: Think what you want, I don't care, either way you always end up thinking what you want...

He went into his room and locked the door...

Kang Dae open that door right now, Kang Dae, I'm talking to you, don't ignore me, Su-Ji said, while knocking on the door again and again...

Kang Dae fell onto his bed, covered his ears with his pillows and closed his eyes...

After so much insistence, Su-Ji gave up and went to her room very furious...

On the other hand, Usagi was talking to Suni...

Suni looked at Usagi and asked: ¿What happened friend, why did you make that face when you were talking to my uncle?...

Usagi looked at her and said: Friend, I think your uncle will have problems with his wife because of me...

Suni: ¿Why do you say that friend?, Don't tell me that bitch of my aunt interrupted your call with my uncle...

Usagi: Yes, he told her who he was talking to so affectionately, it was surely his lover...

Your Uncle apologized to me for hanging up the call and told me that he had a matter to settle with his wife...

There friend, I feel guilty for being the cause of your argument...

Suni took a breath, looked at her and answered: You don't have to feel guilty about the argument you're going to have tonight, It is normal that this happens very often. My aunt's witch has always made scenes of jealousy with my uncle without foundation or evidence...

That woman is completely crazy, that's why I really dislike her, I don't know how my uncle fell in love with a witch like her, maybe he cast a spell on something like that...

Usagi started to laugh and replied to Suni: There friend, now you made me laugh...
Don't blame your aunt, she must love your uncle a lot and that's why she acts that way. He's just trying to make sure an intruder doesn't come and steal what's his...

Even though I also believed that it must not be easy to live with a person as jealous as your aunt. Poor uncle, you have to put up with your aunt's exaggerated jealousy...

Suni: Yes, the truth is very annoying for my uncle, but he has such a noble heart that he does not have the courage to leave her.
You don't know how much I have wanted him to divorce that evil witch and start his life with a woman who will give him the happiness that my beloved uncle so deserves...

Usagi and Suni stayed talking for a little while longer...

The next day Kang Dae was getting ready to go to his company...

He left his room and headed towards the door where his personal driver was already waiting for him to take him to the places he had to pass before going to his company...

Su-Ji was already waiting for him in the room, to talk to him before also going to the company to do his things...

Kang Dae turned to look at Su-Ji and said: You don't plan to go to the company to finish your pending tasks?

Su-Ji quickly got up from the couch and went towards Kang Dae to hug and kiss him...

Forgive me for last night my love, I was a little upset, but understand me, I would be dying of jealousy if you end up being with another woman. I love you too much and I don't want to lose you...

Last night I heard you so comfortable with that lady that I couldn't stand the jealousy and even more so why didn't you want to tell me who that lady was that was making you smile so much...

Kang Dae took a deep breath and responded: Su-Ji, it's always the same with you, you always look for lovers for me everywhere and then you come and apologize to me. Su-Ji, you must find a way to control your obsessive jealousy or else this marriage will go to ruin and it will be your fault and no one else's...

Because I have not given you any reason to suspect me, I have never failed our marriage in any way,I invest all my time in my company, projects and in my beloved niece...

Su-Ji: That niece of yours, she only takes up your time, She is a spoiled and spoiled brat... You spend more time with that spoiled brat than with me, We haven't even been intimate in a while, why are you wasting your time with that brat, like you were a little child...

Kang Dae took a deep breath and answered: I am going to ask you in the most attentive way that you do not address my niece in that way again.
And you know what, I'm leaving because I'm getting late...

Kang Dae pushed Su-Ji aside and turned to leave...

Su-Ji: ¿Where are you going so early if your meeting is in three hours?...

Kang Dae: You know perfectly well that apart from my company I have other businesses and matters to attend to...

Su-Ji: Again, badly spending your money on that home and that flea animal shelter. You are so noble that everyone sees your bank face and takes money from you...

Kang Dae turned to look at her and answered: I will never get tired of helping those children and people who don't have a home and I will never get tired of protecting animals and nature.
That's why I have an immense fortune, to help those who need it most. And it is not called bad spending money, it is called humanity and that is something that you clearly do not know because you are very ambitious...

And you know what, this talk ends now, I'm just wasting my time with you and I have a lot of things to do...

Kang Dae left his mansion and told his driver to leave quickly...

Su-Ji went after him to stop him, but Kang Dae was already gone...

On the other hand, Usagi and Suni were with their friends buying instruments for their musical band.

Everyone was very excited to try out their instruments and begin their rehearsals...

They bought everything they needed and started looking for an apartment for their rehearsal meetings but couldn't find one available.

So while they found an available apartment, They went to do their first rehearsal at Liam's house...

After doing their first rehearsal, Suni and Usagi went shopping to look very presentable for their dinner with Kang Dae this weekend...

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